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Everything posted by Jam

  1. _________________________ START OF CHAPTER III
  2. Yall looking SLICK my fellow role-players. 💯
  3. Jam

    ngrp players

  4. I am a HYBRID SUPER ROLEPLAYER!!!! 😤💯 I hail from both NG:RP and LS:RP. NG:RP went by Maximilian Mayerl LS:RP went by Lucas Guerrero
  5. A bit later back at the shack...
  6. This thread will follow the life of a couple of young delinquent Juggalos from the small town of Sandy Shores. Being stuck in a small town and working dead end jobs they find comfort among their own people who share their Juggalo way of life through the music and culture. Being a Juggalo is being family, no matter your race, social status, or family background they keep it tight and are "down with the clown". _________________________________ This thread will continue to be constructed as we create more RP content.
  7. Ron is released from prison and reunites with Doink.
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