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Everything posted by squirreltail

  1. Looking to buy an Ocelot Jackal, 2013 or newer, preferably in a good condition. Comment or message.
  2. Can't go that low, give me higher
  3. Nonsense, RPGish and non-essential. If I really needed a third pair, I would take one from another deputy at a mass detainment and this script limitation would only hinder the flow of roleplay in that case. Even that occurs way too rarely for this to ever be efficient or relevant, you'll never have officers outnumbered by a factor of 2 or more at a successful detainment. I haven't ever for a year and a half seen anyone single handedly cuff three or more suspects. Let's trust officers not to powergame and focus on improving the quality of roleplay by other means. I only see this working if handcuffs are made an actual item.
  4. What RP do you wish to see in chases? There can't be significant emotes but that doesn't denote bad roleplay, people aren't allowed to stunt and offroad, imo it's held to a high standard. It transitions to text RP quick. The thing is, this guy isn't suggesting CCTV, which is hard to perform as it is and relies on players recording themselves. He's suggesting implementing an even more complex technology that he doesn't know anything about. He's trying to improve roleplay he's not involved in for whatever reason.
  5. Yeah just realized it's the people who aren't related to either illegal or LEO RP that are bringing this stuff up for whatever reason. I'm pulling back, this is getting shut down anyway. He has no idea what he's saying, he just wants to see people suffer because he got robbed once while trucking or something. Neither LEO nor illegal players want to see the other side whine, that comment was so out of the place. Wrong mentality.
  6. It is, though, lad. To fix cameras? How exactly do they break lol? I don't think they do IRL. You're making up a dumb script grind that no one will bother to do and that makes no sense, just to excuse your already stupid suggestion, and again, for too much effort and for no real roleplay benefit. It's RPGish and a waste of time and resources. It won't be used, it's too complicated, it's static and its efficiency is practically zero on GTAW. It won't hold on the court. You've got a completely wrong idea on how it works as well. I appreciate the initiative, but we don't roleplay more significant things and even things like CCTV are sometimes a pain in the ass to play out. ALPR cameras, really? You've got the wrong mentality, I can't care less if murderers get caught or not on an OOC level lol but the thing is this defintiely won't help anyway. This is an epitome of what people mean when they cry about PD being OP and what not, though the existant scripts are fair and make sense, this just ain't it. Also not in the PD.
  7. Do you have any government faction going around roleplaying maintaining anything? This is too much RPG and a mistaken concept. Meaning it will hardly ever be useful. Compare it to the effort for it to ever work. We already have ALPR, which at least in the faction I am in is limited to a couple divisions. This is a needless addition, seemingly OP, but actually not really applicable.
  8. It's pointless and requires too many resources. It doesn't significantly help the law enforcement, I can't imagine what useful data could be taken out of it. It's a waste of time and a minor technology, on the other hand it'll just cause crying and paranoia from illegal RP. This is from someone who does both. Also what the guy before me (edit: before him) said.
  9. I'm looking for a single Vapid Torrence. Any condition, as long as the price is appropriate. I'll take the one I like the most. No stupid colors, no cars used in crime.
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