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  1. Ley

    OOC Lounge - Spawn

    I make one suggestion in a full year of being here and I'm trying to "change everything." Tell me you're arrogant and make wild assumptions without telling me.
  2. Ley

    OOC Lounge - Spawn

    "If you don't like how things are here, leave." Okay conservative mindset #3000, relax. And honestly, I wish there was an equal competitor. This community is toxic way more often than it isn't.
  3. Ley

    OOC Lounge - Spawn

    I do want to roleplay, but I also want to sometimes get on and prep how my character looks for future scenes without being pulled into roleplay by circumstances I have no control over. My god, the narrow-mindedness in this comment section is astonishing.
  4. Ley

    OOC Lounge - Spawn

    "Serious RP server." Meanwhile Davis DMers run rampant lol. Let's not throw out I-wish-we-were labels.
  5. Ley

    OOC Lounge - Spawn

    "It doesn't happen to me so it must not happen to anyone." Yikes!
  6. Ley

    OOC Lounge - Spawn

    1. "This is a... RP server... should be... a serious RP server..." I get interacted with constantly at clothing stores by male roleplayers trying to flirt. I wouldn't have even suggested this if that wasn't the case. I shouldn't have to spend time driving to Paleto Bay to be left alone. It's also not unrealistic. The characters have lives outside of what you see in-game, if you really want to tote the realism angle. They could handle errands off screen without much of an issue. You can still have serious roleplay without having the customization options subject to it. Your unfounded elitist mentality is showing. 2. People already fuck around with each other OOC all the time. Do you guys even spend time on this server? Lol. I honestly think an allocated place for that would make people who are on the actual map take it more seriously. Anyone spending a huge amount of time in a designated OOC Lounge wouldn't really be here to roleplay regardless, so why do you care? Also, spend time around any illegal roleplay in any sense of the word for any extended time and you'll see people rolling around, aiming guns, and mc'ing a lot more than you'd expect. Frankly, a lot of roleplayers suck at idle time roleplay and don't know how to write their characters. If you feel like fucking around OOC, this would give you a place for it.
  7. Ley

    OOC Lounge - Spawn

    What are all these supposed problems...? It's not that big of a deal, sure, but it gets annoying after a while when I just want to pick out some outfits and people blow up a character's phone or try to have a full on dialogue session while you're trying to focus on that.
  8. Ley

    OOC Lounge - Spawn

    On top of all the places your character can usually spawn as it pertains to their homes, businesses, and the airport, I think an OOC Lounge option would be nice too. This would be a closed worldspace that contains the necessities for editing your character: a clothing store, a hair stylist, a tattoo shop, and a plastic surgeon. I think it'd be a clean way to edit your character without the potential of being bothered by people trying to roleplay with you in one of these places on the actual map. I think it'd also be neat to show as offline and disable all phones tied to that character while in the OOC Lounge worldspace. If people like this idea and it's actually implemented, I think in the future the stock car companies where vehicles are bought could be placed here too. That's more of a luxury. Once all of these locations are accounted for in the OOC Lounge, this would allow for a decluttering of the map and less of a need for as many no-crime zones as there currently are.
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