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About Nick87

  • Birthday March 21

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    3019 Raskob St, Flint, MI 4850
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  1. +1, police tape too, it's frustrating not being able to tape up hallways or doors in multi-interior apartment complexes etc.
  2. Name: AreaMan67 Comment: FILE ATTACHED: do-you-feel-safe-inside-your-house.gif
  3. Name: AreaMan1967 Comment: Personally I'm in support of upholding and enforcing the drinking laws of today, many here in this "comment" field seem to be opposed, and may disagree, but it is MY opinion that reducing youth drinking can help lots with improving the quality of life of both the community, and the youths involved. A higher legal drinking age reduces youth crime (theft, assault, battery, vandalism, et. al.), which is a serious issue in our communities here in the LS metro area. Youth are also more prone to drunk driving and other accidents caused or worsened by inebriation than the rest of the population, which not only endanger the youths themselves but also put the lives of others at risk. Then there's the addiction, which (to my knowledge) becomes more likely the younger the drinking starts. Further, alcohol, along with cigarettes, is the real "gateway drug", as opposed to marijuana, which in my experience (of working with youths) comes after those two. Many "experiments" with real, harmful, hard drugs, which cause lifelong addiction, are done under peer pressure, and often while already drunk and/or high. Need I go on? At the end of the day, our state's drinking legislation is in place to protect our youth and our communities. Stings like these are the kind of preventative enforcement that forces business compliance with that law. People claim that this enforcement operation was somehow "ineffective", and in a sense that would be correct, in San Andreas selling alcohol or tobacco to a minor is a misdemeanor and carries a comparatively light sentence, BUT, and this is critical; businesses which fail to comply with legislation and rulings incur hefty penalties (up to and including SHUTTERING of the business) from the county (or city if within any municipal limits), which is a civil matter. The chump change you get in sales revenue from serving alcohol to the underaged is not worth your entire business shutting down, at least I'd hope not. Just do the right thing and ID those you sell to, if not for the customer in question and your community, then for your own benefit.
  4. Yeah, this'd be cool, kind of like w/ /tattoos or /injuries.
  5. 2 minutes and a cooldown of 5 to wait around somewhere else does feel pretty extreme, the time over target should be longer for that amount of wait time, can't make much out in two minutes. And what counts as "one area of the map" here?
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