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Everything posted by AbigailGreen

  1. https://gloriaabigailgreen.tumblr.com/post/661447235170598912 A few weeks ago.....
  2. Ooooo wanna know what happens to these two 👀
  3. I’m not a saint but I could be if I tried Through the lashing flames movement stirred, a twitching nose, held high and sniffing the night air. Gloria inspected the lithe rabbit’s coat, greying with specks of browns and beiges running through it, unmistakably wild. Each of its movements calculated and she knew it kept her in its vision at all times, using those black pools which reflected the fire to watch her. She thought back to the one that had ended it’s days under her truck tires. Limp, crushed, body destroyed. All the tools nature gave the rabbit in order to survive, useless against man and his machines. Sprinting off into the bracken before she could hear what had startled it, the wild animal retreated. Momentarily confused by the startled reaction, she tried to track it’s path when a black off roader climbed the path. It was the crackling of dirt and twigs which had scared off the little spectator but Gloria had not heard it till the driver was parking up next to her own truck. Stepping down from the vehicle, a tall figure made his way over to the fire. Illuminated in a orange hue, the man smiled, his face young and familiar. “Look what I’ve got.” He indicated to his hands, lifting two beer bottles in one and a radio in the other. Offering one bottle to the lounging girl on the floor, Howard lowered himself to settle next to her. First time alone the two drank, savouring the taste and listening to country on the radio. They had met only two days prior, at Paleto rising stars festival. Danced, exchanged numbers, the usual. On the second night, Gloria had been basking in the attention of another man, admiring his body which was tattooed from head to foot on the beach. The festival had given Gloria a varied choice of companions and a second encounter with Howard, who, in his uniform, had ignored the presence of the other man and talked to Gloria. By the end of the evening, she had lain naked in the tattooed mans bed, planning on the phone to meet Howard the next night. Ending the phone call, she lied to her latest lover when he asked who she had been talking to. Unfazed and cuddling up to him she had said it was a friend, a DJ she knew. This night she expected to find herself under the tall, well-toned, muscular body of the officer. He seemed genuine in his questions about her, kind in his tone and wrapped an arm around her. Both chatted, appreciating the starry sky far from the city and learned about each other. He hadn’t seen his family in three years because of his “nature.” Becoming nervous by the fact she was alone in a isolated camping spot with a man she didn’t know, Gloria tried for humour. With a jokey tone she asked, “is this when you tell me you’re a serial killer? Cause that would kill the mood.” Chuckling along he assured her he was the opposite, a serial saver. Thinking over the statement, his words made sense, he was a police officer after all. Tiredness was seeping up into her eyes and Howard had not moved in for more than a light brush of his lips on her forehead. Rather than disappointed she felt intrigued by him, he wasn’t the usual sort she attracted and his lack of need for physical attention had Gloria confused. Impulsively she tip toed and kissed him, pressing their lips together. Responding in kind, his hand cupping her cheek, more kisses followed. Wrapped up in each other, they swayed to the country melodies playing softly and gazed at each other. When driving home, Gloria replayed the night over in her minds eye. Howard seemed like the cookie cutter nice guy, he hadn’t pushed or even attempted to lead the date towards sex, he’d been a complete gentleman. Still, something felt off. Recalling the previous night, Howard had been the only police officer she had seen at the Beach Questioning his presence there she thought, wouldn’t the sheriff’s department be more apt security for a festival in Paleto? Once home she struggled to settle, Howard had whispered something to her. In warm cracking deep tones, he had spoken, telling Gloria he loved her. Loved her, during the first date. This and a few minor things didn’t settle well with her. One phone call later and an acquaintance was working to confirm Howard’s employment by the Los Santos Police department, was that at least true? There was something about Howard that didn’t feel right and she needed to know what it was.
  4. Username: Gloria.G Comment: Really enjoyed the festival, will miss it.
  5. https://gloriaabigailgreen.tumblr.com/post/657938302947786752
  6. I agree, more diversity the better, makes the look of each character unique and helps with peoples imagination whilst making new characters if we have lots of physical appearance choices.
  7. Run Away Part Two Benjamin climbed back into his car, a envelope in his hand. “Take it.” Gloria complied, feeling the wad of notes within, ten thousand. Double the amount she would have been paid for the bartending job she had bailed on. “Th-thank you” she stuttered, gazing up at her saviour, who gently brushed strands of hair from her face, tucking them behind her ear. “Seeing as I stole you.” The smooth southern accent made her avert her gaze in case her eyes betrayed how much it turned her on. Panic was still surging through her and shame. Feeling so ill at the club, the drowning sensation that had driven her outside, abandoning Carl, it all ate at her. Explaining to Ben she needed to learn to become independent but she couldn’t do a simple job left her feeling weak whilst he mulled it over. “You can work for me, as bar staff, you’ll do fine, I’ll be there” Was she so obvious, that he knew without doubt that his presence was like a protective force to her. “I don’t want to disappoint you; it doesn’t matter what people in the city think of me but here it’s different.” Leaving mid shift had knocked her confidence, right back down to zero. “You won’t.” With that statement it was settled. Winking, Ben started up the car and drove them both to The Boat House. Placing a hand on the small of Gloria’s back he guided her inside. Offering a glass with a soft smile, he poured whiskey for both of them. Grasping with both hands and gulping down some of the contents, she began to relax. The two talked and with each pet name Ben attached to her, the more her face reddened. “Tell me more about yourself sweetie, I know there’s a side to you I haven’t seen.” Gearing up to answer the question, a buzzing interrupted, Carl was ringing. A few texts from her boss and Carl stayed unread as the phone was stuffed back into her pocket. Leaning in, Ben told her to answer if the call was important but his kisses said differently. Incessant her phone continued to pester. “Answer it, put it on speaker.” Carl’s voice entered the room. Her friend started to ask how she was, if she was safe, where she was? I’m with Ben. Silence pressurised the room and just as Gloria thought she wouldn’t be able to take another breath, Carl spoke up. “Ok.” Ben’s eyebrow raised at this. When Carl hung up, Gloria slumped back in her seat. Ben moved, hanging an arm around her shoulders and pulling her close. Pulling her jeans back on and trailing kisses down Ben’s jawline into his beard, Gloria smiled. Buttoning his shirt, Ben lent down placing his lips on her forehead. Holding her hand, he started to walk her home but as soon as they left the building, Gloria spotted Carl’s car. As Ben started to question the scene before them, Carl walked towards them. Carl’s tone was steely, asking for the flyer’s that Gloria had told Ryan she had given over to Carl. He refused to look at Ben, even after the older man introduced himself. The awkwardness burned between the three, it was clear Carl was upset, maybe angry. Driven by guilt, an apology started up from inside Gloria but before she could deliver it fully, Carl was informing her he didn’t need the drama and headed back to his car. Once he was gone Ben turned to Gloria, “Well that was awkward.” This was the truth, the high from earlier with Ben had ebbed, replaced by guilt, she’d let her friend down, he probably thought she had left him in the lurch for the soul purpose of having sex with Ben. Maybe he was right in his assumption. It wasn’t just that, not with Ben, not with him.
  8. I think KoKo basically answered everything here. Having a community centre with social workers and education would be a good compromise, rather than a full blown high school.
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