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Game Administrator Lvl. 2
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About Vindicator

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  1. L&A upon user request.
  2. Let's go! @Deveroni.. At long last 😄 Welcome aboard to the new supports & TAs and congratulations to all the promoted members. Well deserved :D
  3. Vindicator


    (( L&A upon poster request. ))
  4. (( Hello @W0SIE Using the terminology such as "fully upgraded" or "full performance" violates the advertisement rules for the in-character advertisement section, as well as Server Rule #17 Please edit the advertisement & use different terminology to describe the performance modifications done to the vehicle in question. ))
  5. L&A upon user req - this also already exists by hitting F6.
  6. Like rainbow said. /togvim (/togchatvisuallyimpaired) works the exact same way. Going to -1 this seeing as it's pretty much already in-game.
  7. Vindicator

    [4SALE] Scout

    (( L&A upon user request. ))
  8. Yeah I'm not on board with this. If you commit crime, you should prepare to do the time. Fines are an essential part of that. Removing fines serve absolutely no purpose and from what I understand, 16K is pocket change for most characters anyway. -1.
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