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  1. Username: messylina Comment: where's the memorial for the 1 million iraqis killed by the military industrial complex! george bush and lockheed martin are america's saviors in international TERRORISM
  2. this isn't a real rp server anymore, it's a business. you satisfy the masses to make money but at the same time alienate the masses by committing the former. gtaw is about cramming as many players into one server as possible to get as many donos that can be bought, allowing people who can barely string a sentence in english together let them rp in a "heavy rp server". you start banning players? you lose money. this means allowing garbo tier rpers to roam free. anybody that tries and denies this is living in delululand or is just outright lying to save face. sorry pal. rpqm? never heard of her i'm probably being blinded by nostalgia but it was never a fraction as bad as it was now back in 2021 when i started out
  3. it's not just u. rant incomin. there's no such thing as realism on this server. gtaw's been declining for years, pandering towards low quality "rp" cus that's what the majority of the players do nowadays. i joined spring 2021and it was pretty cool, loads of good interactions. nowadays i struggle to bother to log in cus i've struggled to have a meaningful interaction in well over a year. i've restrained myself from using the "cops vs robbers" description of gtaw but i legit don't have a choice now, cus it is at this point. cop baiting everywhere, ppl think they're in a fast and furious movie, watched too much gangland, doin stuff where portrayal completely goes out the window cus ppl just self insert. i've also seen plenty of gtaw cops do similar stuff as well. im sittin in my car parked near a sidewalk and i can literally count the amount of cruisers that blast through intersections without lights or sirens going at least 110+ is baffling. im just thinking to myself, "what the hell are they doing?". dudes are trying to get t-boned. the mentality of a lot of LEO rpers have changed as well and it's ridiculously unfortunate. i've seen a dramatic rise in the whole "robocop" thing in the past year. fishing for pursuits, bland as anything rp, one liners for searches, couldn't string together a sentence in english if they tried, begging for shootouts. i've come across so many LEOs recently that just do not have any personality what so ever. it is extremely disheartening to see what the scene has become especially since i've been rping in it for years. also admins dgaf anymore, giving a slap on the wrist for legit the most egregious rule breaks and that's WHEN they actually bother to do what they signed up for. waiting over an hour to get a response on a report cus there's 2 or 3 on duty out of 30+ online is the norm, when i or other ppl get one, get told to post on the forums cus the dude logged off, then wait a month to get the report actually completed, what's the point. shoutout to support though they're usually pretty quick in helping out when i need it don't even get me started on the gta:o driving lmaooooo. as a cop rper, there's legit no point in even entertaining these ppl man. yeah lemme just chase after 50% of the server's population going 120 through the city, that's a good thing to do. it's unrealistic and it's not worth anybody's time and i will not "combat" it with admins because i refuse to spend my personal time waiting to get a response on a report that will take up to an hour. so yeah, you're not just unlucky. welcome to 2024 gtaw.
  4. yeah lemme get a fuckin uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh double double, fries n a strawberry shake
  5. has anything like unity 21 even been tried? it would really breath some life into the scene as a counter to the mass of nazi factions around currently
  6. everyone was happy having their own sound mods and this benefits absolutely nobody, don't know why this happened in the first place. +1
  7. +1 literally what is the point of restricting rp on an rp server. actual cops v robbers server at this point
  8. man who knew that someone who has absolutely no problem uttering the most heinous racial slurs on the daily and committing hate crimes would have ooc motivations behind it. but it's okay because it's all IC bro and IFM and admins don't say anything about it!!! we'll just ignore all the nazi flag and SS lightning bolt "grime" that occurs OOC because it's character depth and immersion!
  9. don't see why it needs to be removed -1
  10. no, absolutely not. -1
  11. i'm not too keen on the battery charging thing as it could quickly get annoying, but i like the signal suggestion, +1
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