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About Rasta

  • Birthday 08/02/1994

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  • Interests
    Programming, Networks

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  • Character Name
    Franklin Brewer
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  1. I'm playing on Ravencrest EU if anyone wants to hang out, my battle bag is kalboJGRA#2201
  2. Really enjoying it, the warbands thing they did was *chefs kiss*
  3. I myself have only ever been part of traffic so I've been with it since I joined this community and I have never experienced the issue, I know there was a period where it was very OP and detected from afar but they nerfed it which is more than fair. Besides the suggestion is not about it's efficiency, more so for the expansion of it's use amongst the people that enjoy it since right now it's limited without any specific reason given.
  4. Which makes it fair and the way it should be, it's primary use is as a tool used when pulling people over so when you yelp them to pull over, they slow down, you pick up the information and that way you are a bit more prepared for the traffic stop ahead.
  5. Real life agencies have them, it's a simple tool used to ease traffic enforcement in terms of displayed information. I do traffic all day and this fits into my roleplay due to the realistic immersion mimicking our real life counterpart. +1 praying to traffic jesus. And yes LSPD already permits it.
  6. Amen, a change needs to happen. At this point it feels like driving from A to B is no longer a roleplay aspect on the server which shouldn't be the case as it severely ruins immersion.
  7. Oh for sure, allow it for the first few hours so the player gets accommodated... a lot of driving that is unrealistic also derives from a very uninformative drivers test that doesn't advise you of legal things in relation to driving on the server, how to properly and legally take intersections and how to approach emergent vehicles on the road when they are travelling or stationary, but that's for another topic. I fully agree to minimize the usage of these and allow them for the first like 10 hours or 5 hours unless they get a license or vehicle prior to that.
  8. From my experience it's almost impossible to RP a legal person in Sandy Shores due to the "dominance" by illegal RP'ers, everywhere you go someone is prowling on you either to harass or corner you with questions that feel threatening. At certain points it almost feels like that the dominant illegal RP group that is in Sandy Shores act like they own the town, creating a sense of unrealistic dominance that can't really be taken seriously due to giving off that unrealistic vibe as the people that illegally RP in the county make their characters crazy to the point where no fear of anything is shown and that creates a bad experience when interacting with them. My character lives in Sandy Shores, and the situation just feels tense and unwelcoming for anyone else then that one specific group. The roleplay quality is there, but there has to be leniency in aggressive behavior towards new folks in Sandy so we can actually build a community.
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