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authentic lifestyle

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  1. The current faction/group ROE consistently mentions turfs, and acknowledges that turfs are something that develop from activity, presence of strength, and overall size of the faction. Although, how big, how accurate, and how true a certain factions turf is reliant on everyone's own intuition, through roleplay with said faction. This creates gaps in the ROE. As if clear lines aren't drawn to mark the territorial integrity of a concept, harm would come to more people than just the faction at hand. You cannot depend on the players to know each others turfs all by heart, it opens for too many opportunities for continuous rule breaking, which again... depends on an administrators own opinions and thoughts to handle the scene. Not to mention if he's handling his friends faction, which on GTAW, invites the chances of corruption, which seems to be very popular nowadays. This in theory is a very good idea to install into the whole faction scene. If, in the end a PLAYER has to handle such a huge aspect of factions, then I'd suggest for all faction leaders, legal, illegal, whatever the concept may be, to refer to this to ensure that they are following the rules, and fair play is encouraged. Do not restrict this to illegal gangs. Organized factions have their own rightful territories, which could be their businesses, and places where they showcase a presence.
  2. I'd even argue to make Faction Reports public.
  3. IFM love micro management, they overwhelm themselves to avoid the true critical issues of the server.
  4. Make a Unpopular Opinions post on the RealLife Forums
  5. From the overwhelming amount of donation money GTAW has made the last few years, put it into something like this. Would bring nothing but more roleplay opportunities for many.
  6. ese off the schizophrenic medication, he thinks he's Morpheus
  7. GTA World Los Santos during its peak, used to get anywhere between 800 - 1100 players, could've been even more. Before the opening of RDRP, or GTAW LC, it was already scraping the barrel at around 300 players, or even less. I have quit GTAW, and many of my friends, many of the groups on the server have quit the server, and this is not because other projects have gained hype, it's because that there are issues that aren't being discussed, fixed, or even mentioned. Wouldn't you agree that a LOT of people came back to GTAW LC to try it out, see if the server has improved, see if it's even worth putting any effort into projects? I would say yes, a lot of people wanted GTAW LC to be good, but as we can see it has also went on a decrease of playerbase. Players who would even try to mention these issues would be punished for bashing other players, administrators, or whatever. So why would anyone, whom has a valid input continue to play on a server which doesn't cater for it's player-base. Honesty from a players perspective does hurt, but this feedback is what brings you forward and improves you. Not adhering or not even trying to understand the concerns of your players makes your audience feel unwelcome. Nervous can continue making outstanding updates to the script, making the game as amazing as he could, but each and every time I have came back to give this server a try, I've always left for the same reasons once again. I'm always met with the same sad truth. The illegal Roleplay scene is slowly, and surely dying. There are still a few outstanding threads whom still got some active members, I commend you. Overall, I believe, personally, as my unpopular opinion that the quality of the Illegal Faction Roleplay scene was going to die either way. Understand that I would love to see GTAW succeed, that is the main reason as to why I'm still on the forums actively. But I'm honestly losing hope.
  8. I think a lot of sugar coating is being done to disregard the true critical issues of GTAW which would explain the decline in the player base. Even if LC never had happened, slowly but surely the player base would continue to fall.
  9. yes you understood it correctly mr. displayname.
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