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Take Over

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  1. Do you have a picture of the exterior?
  2. Short description: Give the option to share ownership of cars, hence giving others the option to use a vehicle as their own. without having to /vdup every time. Detailed description: Most vehicles comes with two sets of keys when you buy them, so it would not be unrealistic for another person to have permanent access to your car, likewise it is not uncommon for siblings, couples or households to share a single car. Basically, the suggestion is to be able to share ownership of your vehicle with one person or more. They will have the opportunity to spawn/despawn the vehicle if it's not already spawned, lock/unlock and etc. Currently the /vdup system works fine, as long as you don't crash or /changecharacter, which tbh happens too often at the worst times. Commands to add: /vshare (?) - Any suggestions for commands are more than welcome. Items to add: N/A How would your suggestion improve the server? It would help improve realism in the sense that not everyone would need to buy their own car, likewise, friends and the like can even save up together to buy a shared car. It could also help improve the server stability by not having as many vehicles spawned. Additional information: /vdup should still be available for when you temporarily want to give your keys to another player. This suggestion is for cases where two people would be sharing one car often.
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