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415 Man

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Everything posted by 415 Man

  1. Wrong. I have seen much more than the stuff in the court case. Those comments were made because they are a true and accurate representation. I do agree with you r.e. LFM. Some sort of announcement would be beneficial, otherwise threads like this are bound to happen were nothing of value if discussed.
  2. Yet it is. Look at the court case on the forums for yourself. There is hard evidence which links him to multiple homicides. This included video footage of him executing four police officers. That is completely justifiable for the chance that he is found guilty and given the death penalty. Just because it has been approved does not mean it has to happen, it is simply an option that is in place.
  3. Read the entirety of the post rather than picking and choosing what best suites your argument. You're deciding to quote a short part of one of the sentences rather than take the entire response into account.
  4. The fact is, Demaine Jopp was a serial cop killer (and has killed cops on multiple occasions, not just the one he is being prosecuted for in this court case). It's a poorly portrayed character, and the possibility of the court ruling for a death penalty is very much reasonable. If a cop went on a killing spree with little to no reasoning (including scrolling and putting away his gun between shooting cops, trying to bait them into shooting an "unarmed" suspect), I'd hope they would get the exact same treatment as in this case. The fact of whether or not the character plays a legal or illegal background plays no merit here. It's the fact of how reasonable (or, in this case, how unreasonable) and poorly portrayed shootings with little roleplay were badly executed and on a consistent basis. That, plus the severity of the crimes, makes it completely justifiable.
  5. give her to the streets. that’s evidently where she belonged from the outset
  6. Detailed Description Much like how /atc and /vts have become toggle-saved, meaning even if you /changechar, the toggle will save, I suggest the same be implemented for /muteradio (/mr). For example, every time I log in, I automatically /mr slots 9 to 12, because they are channels that my character, realistically, would not be listening/scanning unless ICly told to. I am sure many others can agree that having to run those same commands every time you log in is not a particularly good use of time, especially when crashes / relogs / changechar's to AFK as fairly common. Relevant Commands/Items /muteradio (/mr) How will it benefit the server? Quality of life. Saves people having to /m(ute)r(adio) every time they log in on that character, meaning they can spend more time roleplaying than pansying around with commands.
  7. Right, so to clarify: I pull over John and Jane Doe. John has drugs on him. I get reasonable articulable suspicion to run my dog and only run the sniff command on the car. Does this sniff John and Jane too or just the car? And regarding the success rate — it would be 95%. I can happily share LAPD K9 (the entity LSPD K9 portrays) statistics regarding their search : find ratio.
  8. When sniffing a vehicle, a canine cannot differentiate between if the drugs/guns or on a person or somewhere else in the vehicle — simply put, if it’s in a vehicle, it’s in a vehicle. Unless of course your suggestion is to incorporate the players being sniffed when sniffing a vehicle — in fact that would make more sense. Less commands and chat spam, I can get behind that. Otherwise, the simple logic behind how a dog works is complete flawed and it would be powergaming to roleplay it otherwise.
  9. In the first book, Greg said he is smaller than 95% of kids in his grade. Given estimates made based off of illustrations of him, Greg Heffley is most likely between 4' 11" (149.86 cm) and 5' 1" (154.94 cm) tall. However, this is entirely conjecture, as his height has never been stated conclusively within the series.
  10. And those who display unrealistic levels of violence should be reported, too. The two things you are comparing are very different.
  11. Completely agree with this, it will save players having to waste keystrokes every time they login. Perhaps a toggleable option in /settings.
  12. Love it, much more easy on the eyes. The yellow on the boxes also fits a lot better with the colour scheme of GTAW.
  13. This seems like a good idea, so long as it is strictly moderated and viewing permissions are given to only the relevant entities. However, my only concern is the impact this will have in the servers storage, unless you proposing to have the logs wiped at server restart / at a weeks interval / equivalent.
  14. 415 Man

    Ban Wipe

    The focus of the server should be quality over quantity. This means filtering out the players who break the rules. If they’re genuinely sorry and understanding of their mistake, they can appeal it. The same goes for if their ban was unfair - it can be reported to Staff Management. The appropriate channels exist to facilitate these issues and thus I don’t support this suggestion. I would much rather login to the server with 400 online knowing I will be spending the majority of my time roleplaying as opposed to reporting rule breakers.
  15. Makes sense, will limit the amount of commands and keystrokes needed to be done every time you login. +1
  16. @george? congrats on making it to the top
  17. 1. Given the flow of the server and the fact that anything scriptly evidence related gets deleted at server restart, 48 hours is a reasonable time frame. It allows for investigators/prosecutors to contact the relevant parties and receive a reply, along with working under very strenuous time constraints to actually find evidence, write the relevant reports and have it reviewed. 2. This is a complete IC issue, and especially for serious felony crimes, it’s done IRL. If you have some evidence which links someone to murder but you know you don’t have enough at that current time, it allows for a short investigation to take place. With things like homicide investigations, a lot of the evidence comes down to forensic science analysis. Whilst both PD and SD have Criminalists which do this and prepare reports, you can’t expect them to login, read the preliminary report, liaise with the relevant entities, roleplay the analysis and then prepare a forensic report in anything less than 48 hours. It’s a lot of work. 3. Again, this is an IC issue. There is a lot of ifs and buts here. Your investigative hold shouldn’t be voided just because you can OOCly prove you didn’t commit the crime. This is a heavy roleplay server, so allow the roleplay to take place to determine if you’re guilty or not. This can be compared to a lot of things on the server. As some have already mentioned, investigate holds are already heavily regulated by faction policies. It requires the approval of a Detective or Supervisor. If you believe there is genuine OOC abuse of an investigative hold, simply report so that it can be investigated by an administrator to ensure there was no foul play.
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