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Everything posted by Apa

  1. Best of luck King G and co. Nothing but love.
  2. Robberies that are capped at 5k and have a high chance of you ending up in prison because the scenes can take a while if you're allowing enough time for the victim to respond. And if you commit said robberies half the server calls you a bad RPer? Drug trades? Drug market is non-existent on this server. Its atrocious. Everyone has drugs. Very few are buying them. Break ins and business robberies? Good luck waiting on an admin response. An organization that pays you for your job? No buddy, the money flows UP. Not the other way around. I'm not saying criminals should be provided with opportunities to make a fortune off the bat, I'm saying the current opportunities push most people into a very select few options of making money via criminal RP because the other options are a net negative. Of course it takes skill to RP a criminal effectively. However, there still needs to be multiple ways of actually making money consistently which just isn't viable for a lot of people in the current status here.
  3. No its got nothing to do with getting rich, being an illegal RPer on this server actually COSTS money for a lot of lower level criminals. People do it for the RP while operating at a loss unless they have a fantastic supply line going or happen to own a business. The reason people get involved with crime is out of desperation and if the server doesn't provide at least a marginal increase in income for illegal RPers it doesn't make sense that they would enter a life of crime at all.
  4. First of all, real life LCN have moved a huge amount of their focus towards legal businesses. What do you think this is, the 80's? Second of all "they happen to do some illegal stuff on the side" - the only way you could possibly think that there is a lack of illegal activity in the two LCN groups on this server is if you haven't looked at either thread in months.
  5. How do people only consider losing items/arrests a valuable punishment? If you are a good RPer the punishment for getting PKed is you are removed from a RP situation that may have been extremely dear to you and your development. PKs in their current form are extremely important to the flow of RP on this server and basically any successful server that came before gtaw. Yes they can be exploited but that doesnt negate them being a staple of what keeps the clock ticking here.
  6. "By your logic, we wouldn't need a cash counter because everyone would appropriately roleplay their levels of wealth - and those who did not would be reported." ... What? "I don't care how good of an RPer anyone thinks they are - gleaning additional pertinent information like the presence of a gun will impact your IC decision making, regardless of whether you're aware of it or not, and creates situations in which individuals can make unfalsifiable accusations." Again, false. If you care in any way about your RP you would know that this isn't the case. If it is, then GTAW has a much much lower standard of RP than I've come across so far in my months here. I don't buy it. I was literally in a position yesterday where I was meeting with a member of another faction, while I could hear other members of said faction talking about how they might want to jump me. I RPed it as if I didn't hear them because I wasn't sure if I should have or not, and continued the scene as I would have - had I not seen the text on my screen. Its very easy to do, trust me. "We've now constructed a scenario in which the victim could rightfully claim that seeing the SNS pistol impacted the decision making of the robber, while the robber could rightly claim he was going to go through this course of action before he'd even seen it." No, because the implication is the robber will have to commit to ending the scene BEFORE the /showitems request. They will know, because of the new clarity of the process, that they can't elect to zip tie them afterwards. They would have to have zip tied them BEFORE the request. "Robberies are already a needlessly antagonistic interaction, and you're not going to "clarify" anything by forcing use of the /showitems command." How on earth are robberies needlessly antagonistic? Have you encountered or heard of many polite robbers in your time on this earth? People have the right to portray desperate characters who require thievery and robbery and other opportunistic crimes to portray those characters effectively. The same way every legal RPer on the server has the right to drive expensive cars and dress like a supermodel. There are going to be unrealistic exaggerations of many aspects of RP life, that's part of the game. This one just happens to grind your gears. I haven't once suggested that this idea will fix any of the issues you have with robbery RP, nor do I think it needs to. Other suggestions can tackle that. But if you scan through the reports section the amount of them that have stupid requests for /showitems with the reasoning being "I knew he was hiding something else and wouldn't RP it" bla bla bla - this effectively satisfies those concerns once you have committed to LEAVING the scene. If that person goes back after the /showitems request to further search them / ziptie them /offer them a cup of tea - then yes. Report them and they should be punished. The suggestion was first mentioned by an admin who deals with these reports constantly. You're rebuttal is essentially "robbery rp bad so no".
  7. You are still pigeonholing yourself into the effect BAD RPers have on the server. You are taking a genuinely good suggestion that will help provide clarity to the PROCESS of robberies. Whether or not the person performing said process is a good or bad RPer is a different topic of discussion and that's what reports are for. If you took the same approach to any suggestion on this section of the forums you could come up with ways to argue that bad RPers will ruin the suggestion and therefore it shouldn't be implemented. You just seem personally invested in this one because you don't like how robberies are generally performed. However in my opinion the benefits of this suggestion are not to make robberies more realistic, they are going to improve the understanding of the process of how robberies are carried out on this server. The victim and the robber both being more aware of the due process will help reduce the confusion in /b or /pms and interruption of the scene in question. If people still RP it poorly, that's not the fault of the process. It's the fault of the players.
  8. Yeah which I agree is bad RP and youre right for not wanting to accept it. But what I mean is, if someone RPs checking a few of those pockets to a satisfactory degree (where likely the majority of your items would be) whats the harm in doing /showitems after the search? If the rule is they cant re-search after the fact.
  9. Can you clarify where you stash items that you don't believe would be easy to find? Unless I'm missing something the majority of any sane person's items are going to be in their pockets or a bag/purse etc if they RP having one. There are maybe a few places you could stash a CC weapon on your person. What exactly is it you think would be difficult for robbers to find?
  10. Can't see any issue with this. I don't think I committed an illegal act for my first two weeks when I first attempted to join my faction. I dont think a figure as high as 40 hours should be enforced though personally.
  11. This is actually very well put, fair play. As a side note I am honestly baffled by how often some legal RPers claim to have been robbed. I was robbed once in my first few weeks on the server and then never again, and I spend a huge amount of time by myself in seedy areas as well as more upper class districts where robbers might travel to find a mark. If you're getting robbed constantly and your character doesn't smarten up its on you.
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