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Everything posted by L I C E

  1. this is actually so bad im speechless. i cant believe the app process has a monetary feature. oh my god man. nervous man... wth...
  2. i cant... ahahahaha. this server sometimes man. LOOOOL.
  3. my reaction to this suggestion. whut the hell!
  5. not many people commit robberies alone, usually they're cliqued up. you're just going to end up with every robbery being 4 people hit squads because you may as well group up n make it easier if it's 8 regardless. you'll never see lone robberies ever again. and they'll all rob 8 times in a row
  6. you missed his point. if you give everybody a limit of 2 robs per week, if i group up with 3 other people, that's 8 uses of /rob, not 2.
  7. dont be a lame n u wont get robbed, simple as. also dont walk down dark alleys. also, if ur a crook, maybe learn who lives in ur area. robbing locals is incredibly cringe and that's just stupid. dont shit where u eat, maybe learn who ur robbing before u rob them. it shouldn't be always a gut reaction of "i wanna rob some lames" only to find out later oops, they actually my neighbor.
  8. removing /fixveh is stupid. do not punish the rest of us because a couple of mallrats spawn their cars to get home bc their friend logged off. good rpers will still call a taxi when drunk or stranded. and until an alternative for carrying a bicycle in your car is added, /fixveh is unfortunately needed. when such is added, yeah, you can gut its functionality for all i care. /changechar teleporting is very useful for mapping. sometimes i need to grab a door lock or something OOC and driving across the city to grab one when i'm trying to work is incredibly irritating. also, some properties that are not yet available to the public due to the fact they're being mapped cannot be accessed without /changechar teleporting due to the fact the property entrance is intentionally in a place where nobody can find it. giving taxi jobs a landline number and maybe doing something about the pay would be a step forward. maybe a small government paycheck increase when they're on the job or something. also, forcing your driving to be terrible when you consume alcohol + increasing the time alcohol lasts would be an even better deterrent. you could make it so depending on how much you've drunk sometimes your W and S keys swap, or your A and D keys do the same.
  9. no way you got in trouble doing this. i stg, this server sometimes man.
  10. kind of a harsh opinion incoming, don't ban me for it lol (it's just an opinion) nothing can be done. this is simply the way of things. i'm not shitting on anybody when i say this but the golden age of gtaw is gone. that was 2020-early 2021 when the server was on the rise and then hit its peak of 1000 players like mid 2021 imo. it's happened to every community ive been in. wow, ESO,gw2, etc. the best of the best, the roleplayers who make you wanna play become jaded by the influx of terrible people with no consideration for the enjoyment of others and begin to leave one at a time. we're at that point i think now. more and more of the people who can actually write a compelling character and not a 2d shoota man with zero personality or a vapid, soulless erping mallrat are leaving every week for differing but related reasons, like being tired of DMers or poor robberies, or neglect for basic rp principle. a community spawns, and the interested few delve into it and shape it into something good. then the trolls, bad rpers, power-hungry people and people with generally terrible attitudes towards rp all flock to it after hearing word of a rp heaven once it has established itself. a lot of good people join, but you start to get the slow trickle of bads come in. they taint it with their touch - perhaps not even intentionally, but soon enough the people that had a labour of love for their server no longer recognise it anymore and leave their project for the wolves when they realize it can't be salvaged. most vividly i witnessed this happen to the ESO community i was in and i was aware it was happening. it was tragic to watch the people i enjoyed playing with all leaving because the only new faces were usually always just terrible rpers who couldn't even bother using a capital letter and full stop and just powergamed constantly, inserting themselves into guilds and communities and ruining them with their mediocrity. there was even a mini exodus when i left, due to how few decent rpers remained at that point. nowadays? you'd be lucky to find even 1 rper on EU in that game. what you are seeing is a gradual decline, and it's natural. it won't be the end of gtaw, hell no, but we're past that point where the server is on the rise and those that had a clear vision are still around imo. we have an admin team of people from all different communities, with all different definitions of whats right and what's wrong and what they want for the server, who often disagree with each other, instead of unanimous unity forged by a newly formed community. in an effort to "fix" the mess, they add more bureaucracy which is just the death of creativity standards will drop over time unless you rule with an iron fist, it's natural. but we're not ruled with an iron fist, i mean just check ban appeals lol. people who mass DMed bc they got bored and said fuck gtaw and thought lsrp was gonna drop begging to be unbanned and they're actually getting unbanned some of them lmao. people don't learn from punishments, they just don't. you can tell when someone gets ajailed for some bullshit because the admin was tripping or there was a grey zone in the rules that they're not the same as someone who is a complete and utter waste of time and effort who will never change nor grasp the most crucial thing about rp - storytelling. they will just ban evade and come back and do it all over again, not grasping that they are the poison that pollutes the standards
  11. Username: vegan69 Comment: tragic. if that was my daughter who'd been taken from me and the one responsible only got 8 years i'd make it my life's mission to send them to meet their maker. what an awful waste of life.
  12. none too bad other than getting accused of erping with @honeyburger when two people with similar names to us got forum reported for erping in public down the back of La Mesa. that was funny i guess
  13. the risk of just having a lab alone is crazy honestly. factor in having to IC rob pharmacies or plan heists to get sudafed, find someone capable of cooking plus do the rp without getting seen or reported to the cops just to get 100 20% purity meth at the end of it LOL. you'd be malding.
  15. The carrying a gun with only a PF chad versus the always safe CCW carrying virgin.
  16. Right now, meth and meth suppliers are absolutely busted in my opinion. Meth is a drug in high demand due to the lucrative 30HP boost from using 100% pure meth, which is sought after by illegal RPers looking to fight. Those with the strawman IFM meth supplier positions receive up to and over 1000, 100% pure meth every month for a small fee. They don't have to do any RP whatsoever to my knowledge, and simply request it be spawned after paying a fee. The only entry requirement is passing the app process, other than that? That's it. Methamphetamine production schemes, on the other hand, require setting up a lab (mapping), IC acquisition of sudafed and other precursor or smurf ingredients plus the production RP itself added onto an application. They start out at 20% purity no matter what the context or history of the character(s) in question are, and increase by 2% purity every 2 weeks you do it. Meaning, to get from 20% purity to 40% purity, which is roughly a 14 or so HP boost, you need to cook 10 times for 20 weeks. You also have to pay for it. You also receive very small quantities of it. Is this not a problem that only I am seeing? I speak from the perspective of someone who has been doing a meth scheme for almost 8 weeks now. It's ridiculous to me that someone receives almost 6 times the amount I can produce with a quarter of the effort, and at 100% purity. Would it not be a better solution to make suppliers provide 50-70% purity meth, but give schemes a higher purity ceiling at the very least? Because right now, I feel like dropping the scheme and not bothering. The effort required for any actual reward is abysmal. Thoughts? " Methamphetamine Schemes This scheme is for players to start up a methamphetamine production line and allows a request to be made every 14 days. Schemes typically start around 100 methamphetamine at low purities, this will build over time. The maximum purity of methamphetamine schemes is currently 75%." quoted from here.
  17. It's not so much that they're sexualised, it's that they're fetishized.
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