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  • Character Name
    Stephen Jones

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  1. Being a badass (13/APR/2024 - Hall of Justice, Los Santos District Attorney's Office)
  2. Being a badass (13/APR/2024 - Hall of Justice, Los Santos District Attorney's Office)
  3. I do not believe that limiting K9 usage through script methods should be a good idea, but by establishing regulations like the ones set for Air Units. However, I don't think its enforcement should be done in a OOC way, but (as everyone takes issues to their own parcel) ICly through the courts, even if that implied removing some OOC case law from the continuity and inserting our own, which included these restrictions. Another option would be to set a clear standard under "Rodriguez v. United States", regarding the lack of reasonable grounds for a K9 sniff that extends a traffic stop. But from what has been posted while I was writting this, the search on the vehicle should also include its occupants, but with a higher persentage to fail (including false postives, but also false negatives).
  4. When you roleplay, you pretend being someone else, no matter what the game or the server may be. When you do so, you start thinking as your character would do, judging things with their eyes, which may be far from yours. What have these experiences taught you?
  5. I sometimes open the forum and feel sad, because I find these marvelous art pieces and I don't know who should I congratulate for them. Please ensure that they can be paid for their time spent trying to make us laugh, sadly the price might be a report, who knows.
  6. Objection, What is the point on making Price pay this price for Excessive Memery? This is a case in which alternate mesures shall be taken, such as becoming a meme.
  7. There might be a way to anonymise that. Would be to make something like the badge API but instead of putting the char ID, you put the ID of the log record. Then, from this record you fetch the character ID, and therefore name (or if the name is already on the CCTV logs table, simpler) Finally, either get the Imgur from the /settings, or the image dumped from the mugshot file with a file_get_contents, and you apply the corresponding headers. If necessary, I may be able to produce a partially-working code, which may be clearer.
  8. I am not really into the topic, but I believe that, in some cases, the IC objective behind the extortion should not be to get money from the business, but to use it to launder money from other-than-legal business. This could lead to some financial crime, but also the owners may get the money from the OCG ... In that case, would be a richer approach to extortion.
  9. Interview Time (28/JAN/2023 - Twin Towers Correctional Facility) To win some fights, you don't have to fight them, and when a defendant asks to negotiate a plea deal, is something that can be done to take things the easy way. This case was one of them, so Stephen went to meet with the defendant and their lawyer in Twin Towers, to try and get one agreement that fits everyone. It may happen that you feel that you are not doing the right thing on the short term, but it may help, as reinsertion should be the ultimate goal. (Right After - District Attorney's Office) After he left from the interview, Stephen was called by the District Attorney Haper Meyer for an internal interview, which was just standard procedure. However, this does not mean that being interviewed with a Garrity warning in front was something confortable, so he saw in first person what happens while being sitting on the other chair.
  10. Honestly, from a completely (maybe even too much) perspective, I would go for harsher IC regulations, re-designing the way GC work. What I would try would be that in order for a security officer to be armed, they must have an specific clearance (maybe even with IC formation events) and being able to justify why firearms were authorized/used on a certain security event, keeping a record from that. If they have an incident in which firearms are used, they should be able to justify exactly why the firearms were used and to submit it into a both IC/OOC revision, being the IC the most important, not being able to perform security duties armed until they are cleared. The out of character would be to keep a record and intervene if it is not realistic, but always as a last resort.
  11. Search Warrant, Open Up (02/JAN/2023 - Greg E Joplin Court House ) After reviewing a case from LSPD, regarding a financial scheme, Stephen, as well as other Deputy DAs, considered that there was a strong likelihood from evidence being on a house, registered to the defendant's name. It was at that moment that notified a judge, to arrange an appointment with them, to get a Search Warrant for that property. During that meeting, and given the known information, it was easy to secure a search warrant for the premises, including the seizure of all electronic devices in there. The warrant was forwarded to the LSPD detective in charge of the case. (04/JAN/2023 - 1000 Strawberry Avenue ) While he was working in other cases, Stephen's pager sound, as the Office had been notified of the imminent execution of the warrant. He met with DA Meyer and went to the apartment, but before entering, he attended and intervened on a short on-scene briefing for the officers. Then, the detectives and the DA had to wait outside until the breach team from LSPD Metro cleared the property. After being instructed to do so, they entered on the apartment and oversaw the search, giving some instructions about how to proceed on certain details. An XBOX was seized, as well as a controller; there were in overall bad news, for some with a different reason than for others.
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