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Everything posted by St3fan[NL]

  1. Private bids are not allowed. All bids must remain public.
  2. Name: MaddyF Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Review: Amazing quality, fast shipping!
  3. I always hated the big cup. Ill look into this!
  4. It wont change. We have already extended the daylight by one or two hours by doing some magic with the game time code.
  5. DONE. The command will only work for 30 seconds.
  6. Feature Showcase: ONE card game Overview You can purchase an ONE deck from any 24/7 and play this fun card game with your friends! To create a table use /tablemanager and set up your game. The basic game rules can be found by using /onerules. While setting up your table you can enable various extra rules to make the game more fun. The host of the game can also skip someone's turn in case they went AFK out of a sudden. If you are colorblind you can still play this game, use /onecolorblind and then, when hovering over your cards a small tooltip shows what kind of color your card is. In the UI the current color is written down so this should make you be able to play this game! All player turn actions are displayed in the User Interface instead of the chat, do you think you missed a turn? You can use /tablehistory to view the last done turns! Extra Rules: Stacking +2/+4: With this option enabled, you can stack draw four and draw two cards ontop of each other. This removes the draw four color challenge! Prevent finishing with a function card: With this option enabled, you cannot finish with a function card. Playing a function card as last card results in two penalty cards. Disable playing drawn: With this option enabled, you cannot play your drawn card if it is playable and must wait for your next turn! Images Video
  7. Ill remove it when I am on my pc next.
  8. We have /weather? But couldnt hurt to add an optional hud for it I guess
  9. Feature Showcase: Pets Overview Donators can spawn a cat or a dog using their Personal Assistant Menu (Hotkey: i). Police K9 handlers can spawn a Police Canine through /canine (/k9). Once you have a pet spawned you can control them by using the Pet menu (Hotkey: k). With the pet manager (/petmanager, /pet) you can set specific settings for your pet, such as their name, description and where they should sit in a vehicle. With the 2024 update you can now also set voice commands for dogs, when given these commands in the IC chat your dog complies to the command given. Credits: - Original code: https://forum.gta.world/en/topic/62909-new-animal-script-dog-cats/ Images Video
  10. Update 3.4.11 Additions /dt is added as alias to /dogtarget. @St3fan[NL] Using /dogtarget with no target specified in the command, will bring up a list of all closeby players. If you want to exclude LEO/Medics from this list untick Detect Leo in /petmanager. This list also shows under K -> Select A Target. @St3fan[NL] Bite/Tackle now lets the dog jump up to a suspect before they are bitten (bit more immersive) @St3fan[NL] You can now save an image in item and drink presets for /bmenu. @Gibbz Business employees will be alerted if a vehicle's insurance is expired. @Gibbz Characters who are /partnered can view /pinfo of their partner's properties. @Gibbz Changes Canine's set target will only reset when the canine is put in a vehicle or when they have bitten their target. This is done so the handler does not need to re-set the target scriptwise when they let their dog bark, sit or other commands. @St3fan[NL] When bitten/tackled by a canine dog you cannot use /stopanim for a few seconds, similar to the human tackling script. @St3fan[NL] Pets do no longer teleport into a property with you when they are put in a vehicle, they will despawn to avoid glitches. @St3fan[NL] When pets stream in, they now show the proper animation or state. @St3fan[NL] Better dog vehicle sitting animation. @St3fan[NL] /helmet /changehelmet can now be used anywhere (doesn't need a nearby vehicle) @Gibbz Characters can furnish their partner's property even if property furnishing rights are off for tenants @Gibbz Players can no longer use /speedlimiter if they're driving on a high rate of speed @Ankii Fixes /dogtarget [maskid] is now supported. @St3fan[NL] Fixed property rent not being paid to correct people (for individual owned properties) @GameBurrow
  11. Different textures is a Modding thing. Gonna lock this as I have scripted this for next update.
  12. Weeny Issi Rally for sale! Security and performance packages Do a good offer!
  13. Was added so you cannot login on both servers at the same time. E.g. different pc or let someone else play on your LC character when in LS. I will look into making it smaller but chances are slim that is possible.
  14. If you're banned in one of the city's you cannot play there, how you RP it that is up to you.
  15. Format. And no, we just made the night smaller for the USA people. We wont change it again.
  16. Anyone know if there is a way to disable them?
  17. Do we even have an actual shark there already or is it admins in shark peds? Cause I dont remember scripting a shark
  18. Ill make an option in /settings after LOA to change almost every time format.... cannot promise 100% but yeah.. Someone tag me in this after the 8th of September.
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