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Everything posted by St3fan[NL]

  1. St3fan[NL]


    For this exact reasons PD has never been on the onduty list and will not be on it anytime soon.
  2. No thanks too expensive for a 80k bike.
  3. Not needed we already have a ton of hotkeys. It takes less than 10seconds to write a command like /vdoor not to mention its impossible scriptwise to detect at which door you are closest to. Ill be locking this suggestion, thank you though.
  4. We need to keep the Servers Economy and inflation in mind. Irl you dont make 1-5k an hour. You make that per 144+ hours. The vehicle prices seem fine as they are right now imo.
  5. This was changed a year ago to compensate with USA players. However the mayority of players are from Europe or east from it hence the time is probably staying like this to compensate for everyone. People with +6 from server time would become even more behind if the time changes more towards the US timezone. Changing it towards them causes the time to be more ahead of the US players hence the time is most likely center on the GMT so its fair for everyone. I'll be against changing for this reason to keep it fair for the eastern players who are already +x hours as it is. Which would only become more if changed.
  6. See title, prefer maxed out. Email me your offers! ((Forum PM))
  7. Were you online when you changed it?? Because you need to be offline...
  8. /vdoor /trunk /hood exists.. having a hotkey for this would honestly be unnecessary. (Also O is bound to playerlist in 1.6)
  9. I know whats causing it, it was already fixed but not live yet, but ill script it as soon as im home and ask Nervous to put it online when he has time.
  10. After consideration the way I fixed it is indeed odd (dont blame me! I am a nurse irl not a math teacher ? ) Ill change it to the way its described in the changelog. The percentage of the received money is split equally over the onduty employees like @Pollster described. The 100-percentage amount goes straight to the biz.
  11. @Pollster im at work rn ill read and reply when home. the system is made like this for a reason but ill explain later.
  12. The new commissions fix had been worded wrongly in the changelog its quite difficult to understand the math if you didnt script it yourself. Basically the amount that goes to the business on purchase is split into two. 1 part goes straight to the biz bank so businesses can always afford components The second part gets split across employees according to the commission set. HOWEVER if the commission for all employees onduty is MORE than the split money, it divides the commission percentage by 1.5 so.. Lets say the commission is 60% and there are 2 employees working. The business received 625 (1250 is a paintjob but /2 by the script for garages) 625/2= 312.5 So 312.5 goes straight in the biz and the other 312.5 goes to the employees like this: 312.5*60(commission percentage) /100 = 187.5 that every employee should get... however 187.5*2 (amount of employees onduty) = 375 which is more than the money available (312.5) so it divides 60% /1.5 so the new commission is 40% then redoes the math and repeats the dividing by 1.5 if the money is more than received. So eventually for a paintjob with 2 employees working and a comission of 60% each would be paid $125 Hope this makes sense
  13. Vapid Radius - $15.000 - NEW Karin Sultan - $60.000 - NEW
  14. See title. EMAIL me if you have any!
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