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St3fan[NL] last won the day on July 16 2020

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About St3fan[NL]

  • Birthday 09/15/1997


  • Member Title
    Senior Game Developer

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    Pediatric Nurse

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    Isabella Mendez
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  1. Wont be added regardless, because it would mean if a customer enters through one and then the other you get double bonusses. I honestly have never seen a business with multiple properties in dim 0. Only smarttps and they are usually for staff doors.
  2. This, I am confused as well. /Openbusiness should be the main property where ppl enter as thats also the marker that gets added to the personal menu (i) > open businesses.
  3. Will be added. Default remains how it currently is. If a business is willing to take a risk with employees they can toggle this.
  4. No this is the percentage /startshift employees get from every sale done. Not what this suggestion is about.
  5. Command wont be removed. At most a small delay before it being send as usually your phone GPS takes a few seconds to put the location more precise. E.g. instantly would be 30-40meters off of where you actually are, if you wait 10 seconds its usually accurate by 1-2meters. I will forward it to the dev team for debate.
  6. -1 I had a chumash house with the best security system. Yet my house was broken in like 3x a week... which is unrealistic as F***
  7. Not possible. Attachments on SAMP were attached Objects. In Gta5 they are actual clothing pieces.
  8. Lets not. San Parks already merged with SD (probably due to the lack of activity/members/or whatever). Which means we're now back to two patrolling LAW factions (yes we have Fire Marshalls, DOC etc but they don't patrol the streets and enforce the penal code like SD and PD). Rather have a unit made out of SD/PD to patrol highways.
  9. FOR SALE San Andreas Ave - Floor 8 Room 2 Starting Bid: $450.000 Buyout: $620.000 Photo gallery: https://imgur.com/a/tgYANqY Complex photos: https://imgur.com/a/0sdDHw9 ((OOC info: https://i.imgur.com/jgk1uAN.png ))
  10. As much as I like this idea. This sums it up. It would be horrible to see on a text based server.
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