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Everything posted by Piepstem

  1. Piepstem


  2. Jewish-American organized crime in Los Santos From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The Moroccan Jewish community in Los Santos is one of the largest in North America, approximately 10,000 Moroccan Jews reside in the Los Santos area, mostly in North Vinewood, and the Vinewood Hills. Many are the descendants of community members who first emigrated to the United States in the aftermath of World War II. Many others came later in the 20th century from Israel, and beginning in the early 21st century from France due to increasing antisemitism there. Most are adherents to Orthodox Judaism, with some belonging to the Haredi, Reform, and Conservative Judaism as well. The community has their own synagogues as well as a community center. The immigration of Egyptian and Moroccans to Israel and their settlement in the more impoverished neighborhoods led to the creation of crime families among Maghrebi Jews. This is evident in the fact that a large number of Israeli organized criminals have fled to Morocco in recent years. Israeli crime families of Moroccan Jewish descent expanded their operations to Europe and the US, especially with their involvement in drug trafficking. Some of Israel's more well-known crime families are of North African and Middle Eastern Jewish descent Several notable Jewish-American mobsters provided financial support for Israel through donations to Jewish organizations since the country's creation in 1948. Jewish-American gangsters used Israel's Law of Return to flee criminal charges or face deportation. Notables include Joseph ''Doc'' Stacher, who built up Las Vegas by pairing the Jewish and Italian Mafia into a national organized crime syndicate. Prime Minister Golda Meir set out to reverse this trend in 1970, when she denied entrance to Meyer Lansky. He was the mob's accountant, thought to be among the most powerful people in the country, with a gambling empire stretching throughout the United States. In 2010, it was reporte by Wikileaks that the United States Embassy in Israel, in a cable titled ''Israel: The Promised Land of Organized Crime?'', had expressed grave concern about the activities of Israeli organized crime figures, and was taking measures to prevent members of crime families from being issued visas to the United States. American diplomats expressed concern that Inbal Gavrieli, the niece of one of Israel's most powerful mafi bosses, had been elected to the Knesset as an MK for Likud. From the 1990s until 2013, Moroccan American-Jewish gangsters kidnapped and tortured Jewish men in troubled marriages to force them into granting religious divorces to their wives, in some cases extorting money from them. Described by prosecutors as ''criminal syndicate'' that was ''akin to the Bloods, the Crips, or the Mafia,'' the organization, which charged up to $100,000 for their 'services,' was shut down in the wake of a sting operation orchestrated by the FBI. While some tried to draw a distinction between the actions of the ''well-organized operation'' described by prosecutors and traditional kidnapping cases coming before judges that involved murder, terrorism or child abduction, Judge Freda Wolfson said she didn't see any difference.
  3. You are blowing the situation way out of proportion. As has been said before, there have been numerous occurrences and especially in bigger departments with much more resources (the LAPD, which we draw continuity from) that multiple units respond over something that could be considered petty. Although, a felon is not something I would really call petty. A lot of the fellow faction members within the LSPD where I had the pleasure to personally speak and RP with prefer the super interesting RP over something such as a pursuit. That is exactly why the entire faction does not respond to pursuits, because people have different mindsets and draw fun and interesting role-play from many different sources that the role-playing community has to offer. At the end of the day, people are here to have fun and role-play, this is a role-playing community (and a game) and it is sometimes inevitable to have a lot of units join the pursuit. Not everything can be overly realistic. As I mentioned before though, law enforcement factions do continue to progress on the field of how to make things more realistic and enjoyable for every party involved and it is safe to say that legal factions have progressed a lot and will continue to progress.
  4. I understand where you are coming from. I believe that the entire ''correct approach'' does not lie in bringing issues up, but how they are brought up. From what I have seen, a lot of the criticism on LEO factions are most of the times not even criticism, just ranting that are far from principled and constructive.
  5. Agreed, I feel like the narrative that is being brought up right now is as if LEO factions revolve around this ''cops and robbers'' play-to-win mentality, which is simply not true at all. You have bad apples everywhere, it is inevitable in a community with a variety of people and differing mindsets. LEO factions and factions overall went through a very positive development and are still holding onto this progression, which is something that should be noted too every once in a while.
  6. Sorry to hear that your experiences went like that. I, however, do not share them. I have seen multiple units respond to a 911 call while there were on-going pursuit(s) in the past. There are a lot of people in PD currently that just prefer passive role-play over ''action''. Some of them barely or just do not respond to pursuits or even shots fired calls.
  7. Okay... you are quick to judge LEO rp'ers within the community but you have no real role-playing justification for driving off, other than wanting to bait PD into a pursuit. All of this is baseless. In real-life police departments (which have continuity in this game), there is no ''unit limit'' to a pursuit. When someone drives off, he is considered to be a felon. There have been numerous occasions of people driving off from a traffic stop over petty stuff in which a lot of units would pursue the vehicle. This can be seen back in mostly cities with big departments, take the LAPD for example. I feel like you aren't willing to discuss in good faith, judging by the dramatic scenery you are applying to something that is fairly simple to understand. Exactly why do LEO rp'ers lack common sense? What is common sense to you? Base your statements with arguments. EDT; To quickly add onto your last message, other units still patrol the city while there is a pursuit going on. Not every unit is forced or willing to tune into a pursuit or to assist with a traffic stop (if additionals are even requested).
  8. So why did you drive off over a busted headlight?
  9. Piepstem

    Map changes

    Dunno, Davis Mall doesn't really fit up with the vibes and types of role-play you see back in Davis, as mentioned before, removing the mall for the projects will probably work better for the RP that Davis usually reflects.
  10. Perhaps safe to say that it might be because of the update? I noticed that there have been quite a lot of issues lately, such as games not running for example. I think it should be fixed after the update, if it still persists then we always have this thread open and I can dig further for you.
  11. Try reinstalling it. It could also be because of conflicting mods..? Try verifying too, else you could try a clean install on Rage if the issue persists.
  12. Piepstem

    Name change

    How did you solve it? For future references?
  13. Piepstem

    Name change

    What output does it give you exactly?
  14. If you haven't fixed it yet, you could try reinstalling Rage MP or the game itself. And yes, you will have to download your server assets again.
  15. Have you tried verifying your game files maybe? Maybe a complete re-install of your game?
  16. He used a different monitor too as far as I know, I don't think it might be the issue of the person's wide monitor but outdated drivers maybe?
  17. I think you will have to get in contact with a Staff Member then, preferably lvl 4.
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