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  1. I RP around the tracks a bit. I've never experienced this issue but could just me the specific location. If people are using their vehicles in an unrealistic manner, I feel it should be reported as is the case with any other rulebreak. Same issue applies when people go offroading in a sports car.
  2. I had friends help me then as I was a novice at the time. They used several Mac OS applications to convert the files to from Windows files to Mac OS files - I remember it taking several attempts and then it finally ended up working... I honestly don't remember how it worked, but I eventually gave up and used a Windows laptop as the Macbook was overheating.
  3. I haven't tried to RAGEMP on a Macbook. I used to run SAMP on a MacBook and whilst it worked, it didn't last very long. You could get away with doing it every now and then but probably won't be enjoyable.
  4. I've sent you a personal email.
  5. Noice. Let's see what the rework is like
  6. This has been an issue for a while. I'm pretty sure someone posted it previously and developers said it was a RAGEMP issue. Don't think there'll be a fix anytime soon.
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