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Everything posted by Vinklo

  1. Fucking Limitless
  2. U kafani se dernek pravi Keep it rolling fellas
  3. Holy fuck we've been waiting for this guys
  4. Swwet home Alabama but Paleto version Good luck and hope to see you guys in near future interacting with us
  5. Having so much money without doing any job to support of how much money I have
  6. From a community in SARP I've heard about GTA V Rping server that's similar like LSRP so I've decided to check it out and here I am
  7. I mean RP wise it'd be great to have it for the drug suppliers to get the drugs from Cayo Perico but then again I don't see the point why would someone be connected to Cartel in that manner and actually be invited there to get drugs and smuggle then back. If Cartels are allowed then there would be some sense of implementing this island in use but other than working on this island I'd rather work on other illegal possibilities that could be introduced in the near future.
  8. Username: YourSeoulMate Comment: What's there to say that hasn't been said already?
  9. If the ERP was banned the rape would be non-existent and we wouldn't be needing this topic at all but overall I do support your action against rape cause it brings nothing useful to the RPing your character but a good old CK like Adrian Collins got
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