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Everything posted by MinnesotanWinter

  1. The title's pretty much self-explanatory. Would be nice to get /putlock enabled on more doors that are missing this feature. I'll put one in here to start off a possible list. Feel free to add to this. Shows up in furniture menu as "Black Wooden Door".
  2. It'd be nice to have a .38 caliber revolver added to the server given their prevalence even in 2021 as described in the original post. It also happens to the the exact type of gun some people would seek for 'hits' as the spent casings remain in the gun until it's manually ejected, making it harder for evidence to be collected.
  3. It depends on how you are being tasered. In my own experience, being tased with the probes was like having the worse cramp of your life. All my muscles were tensed up to what felt like their limits and I was unable to move but the pain didn't linger all that long. Drive-stunning was a bit different, the muscle clenching and pain being more localized in one area.
  4. I like the idea of having private tow companies operating impound lots but as others have said, they should only operate under the direction of an officer. As with how it works in many towns/cities across the United States (at least the Midwest in my own experience), only employees (sworn/unsworn) of an LE or code enforcement agency could issue a citation and order an impound for traffic/parking violations which is the way it is on the server and should remain so. Currently the impound system to my knowledge immediately despawns the vehicle when you do the command in the lot. To include private tows, the system could be amended to look like this: 1. Officer/deputy issues a citation and determines the need for an impound. 2. A call for a private tow company is made. 3. The private tow company arrives and speaks with the officer/deputy. The officer/deputy makes note of the company/individual they are working with and use an amended impound command in the vehicle's original location. The amended command should include the destination lot (could use UCP number for the business) and the UCP number of the tow operator (could RP it as a state-issued tow operator certificate number?). 4. Once the command is complete and the driver is cleared to proceed with the tow, they can tow it to whichever lot is designated. Inside the lot would be a zone that detects vehicles that have been marked for impound. 5. Tow the vehicle into the detection zone and unhitch. If no private tows are available, revert to PD/SD tow. I have no idea how feasible this is to implement but that's just my 2 cents on how it could possibly work. Having both the destination lot and tow operator's number in the command could also allow for tow operators who don't have their own lots and only contract to tow vehicles to the government lot.
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