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Blöp last won the day on June 23 2020

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About Blöp

  • Birthday 11/08/1987

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    Los Santos

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    Lara Henderson

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  1. Name: SinatraLover23 Comment: This is not why I pay my taxes. I want to see some real American judgement, not this leftist crap!
  2. The people who need this will not read it; thank you anyway! 💯
  3. To add some thoughts on why this is a bad idea: to, let's say, implement AdSense (Google Ads) to the platform, you'll need to offset the missing revenue generated. Google's own calculator for the videogame category in Europe estimates $4584 revenue for 50,000 ad watches monthly over 12 months. Quick calculation: 4584 / (50000x12) = $0.00764 per viewed ad. Calculating with the best euro-to-wp package, one WP is around €0,05 or roughly $0.053. This means you would have to watch ~7 ads to offset the monetary loss generated by giving you 1 WP. To get a platinum subscription every month, you would have to watch approximately ~2100 ads, each taking, let's say, 30 seconds, making you watch 17,5 hours of ads to earn enough WP. Reminder: Automating this and cheating the system goes against Google's T&C and would quickly ban them from making revenue as soon as a handful of people start to abuse the system. Plus, somebody will have to code this, plus you have to care about people who abuse the system, etc. I hope it's understandable this way why this is not a sustainable idea.
  4. Well, in my mind this wasn't a punishment, more like an encouragement to take medical treatment more seriously and don't hop out of the hospital after five minutes. Either way, in case even you guys are telling that this is a bad idea, I believe you. But to stick with the subject, how else would it be possible to make people care about being hurt? In the same way, if you commit a crime you will have to spend some time in a cell, even if you don't want to, shouldn't we also encourage people to try to avoid being shot for example by putting some weight on these events? Right now - for me at least - it feels these events happen so weightlessly partly because people are simply not afraid of their injuries because spending two minutes and writing a few /dos after being in a life-death situation is clearly not holding back anybody from anything.
  5. Right now, getting injured has no consequences. Countless times I see people getting shot five times, being crashed in vehicles, and going through extreme treatments - just so they can leave the hospital after five minutes of roleplay. In my opinion, this is something that breaks the immersion and makes people careless about their injuries. Question: would you support a system similar to the jail system which would make people stay and roleplay in hospitals after a serious accident? Description: After a serious injury, hospital staff would have the option to determine how long you need to stay in the hospital. Obviously, we could treat this in a similar way as we treat jail sentences, so we wouldn’t actually lock up anybody in a hospital for weeks and months… but let’s say for a few hours or a day. Until this time period ends, the patient could only leave the hospital building with a hospital staff handling his/her discharge and manually deciding based on the injuries that hospital care is no longer needed. Relevant commands: /hospitalize [name] [injuries] – For hospital and LSFD members after transportation to “lock” someone in the hospital until the hospital staff can determine how long they need to stay with the next command. /hospitaltime [name] [time in minutes] – For hospital staff to determine how long someone needs to stay in the hospital based on their injuries. /discharge [name] [comments] – For hospital staff to discharge someone from the hospital before the time runs off. How will it benefit the server: Both legal and illegal players would take getting injured more seriously. Getting shot over a scene or crashing your car during a race would mean much more than “getting picked up by LSFD and walking out after a few minutes.” Also, hospital roleplay could be much richer with more people contributing. More roleplay scenarios, more people in the hospital, maybe even conflicts, etc.
  6. Awesome idea, please make this happen.
  7. I'm not a huge fan of this idea. People already roleplaying surviving pretty much everything like a superhero, I don't think adding this would help the scenario any better. People who died scriptwise probably had injuries serious enough to make them die. Adding this would only cause scenes where people magically survive five headshots and bleeding for half an hour. Most people don't know how to roleplay their injuries, this would just put oil on the fire.
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