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Everything posted by DLimit

  1. On one of my characters, he's able to spawn directly inside his unit. Others? They can't. It's possible, and should be an option. +1.
  2. *** Advertisement is refreshed. BOTH rooms are now AVAILABLE! On April 7, 2024***
  3. MAURCE FRIEDRICH-LACEY AKA HOT$AU$E AKA SKI MASK RIDDAH AKA MISTER MACAFRAMA/MACKAVELI Backstory: Childhood to Imprisonment This is the tale of 37 year-old Maurice Lacey, a half-German and half-Haitian who was an enforcer of the Roy Lowe' Limehood Piru back in 2002. At birth, his Haitian father abandoned him and his mother due to his mother's addiction to crack-cocaine, which then lead to the mother also abandoning him at the age of four due to her drug addiction. He was eventually adopted by a woman named "Regina Pittman", a Caucasian-American single-parent mother who also had a child named "Alex", an African-American skateboarder kid who was two years younger than Maurice. Unlike his brother, who was a nerdy skateboarder, Maurice involved himself with the local Limehood Piru gang-bangers by the age of thirteen. He dabbled heavily into marijuana, alcohol, and codeine, for most of his teenage years. He was eventually initiated into the set at the age of fifteen and started to involve himself into narcotics dealing and armed robberies. His step-mother encountered marijuana and codeine, within his bedroom, at the age of sixteen, which resulted in him undergoing homelessness for three months, often couch-hopping in various Limehood Piru members' cribs. Maurice's grandfather (Named Walter Friedrich), who resides in Germany and was very close to him, began questioning why Maurice had not contacted him during those months (as Walter tried to connect with his grandchild after his own daughter abandoned him), resulting in him questioning Regina about his recent behaviors. Upon revealing that he was homeless, Walter demanded Regina to issue a "Missing Persons" request on Maurice Lacey, and went further enough to request to also be his legal guardian. The L.S.P.D. eventually found Maurice Lacey and had returned him back to Regina, which resulted in him undergoing sheer hatred towards her. Eventually, Walter Friedrich was also granted legal custody over Maurice, and permitted him to visit his multi-million dollar estate within Baden, Germany, in an attempt to reform him. Thus, Maurice would utilize his summers, visiting Germany, every single year in-between June and April, causing him to connect more with his German heritage. After several years, by the age of nineteen, Maurice returned back to Roy Lowe, from Germany, and connected with a Limehood Piru homegirl that he was heavily close with. On his first day of returning home, he was handed a firearm while being told that "opps were spinnin' the block". Within literal minutes, two armed assailants pulled up and shot at his girl, in-which Maurice pulled out his firearm and murdered both of them, catching a bullet to the left side of his chest. He hopped over numerous fences and stashed the gun in the bushes of Grove Street, before calling 911 for medical assistance. (((Back in 2022))) Medics arrived and tended to his wounds, but the L.S.P.D. also arrived on site and observed residue on his hands and wrists, connecting him to the murder of two deceased Crip-affiliated teenagers. Long Life in Twin Towers Correctional Facility While awaiting trial for his murder case, Maurice continued to associate himself with Limehood Piru, until the very girl that he saved discontinued visiting him and placing money within his books. Being well aware that his case was not looking very good for him, he slowly shifted away from representing the set, moving towards representing the Bloodline Card in the Kutt. He developed a closer bond with the inmates at his own table, known as The Black Car, than his own set back in the hood. As much as there were different cards at the table, he cared less about them, knowing very well that Bloods, Crips, Hoovers, and the such, would back him up whenever it came to conflict with the White Car, API/Others (at the time), and Southsiders. His hatred grew very strong against PEN1 and The Aryan Brotherhood, and was even told stories about how his Grandfather, who was conscripted into Wehrmacht, opposed the NAZIs, heavily, as they misrepresented the pride and honor of hard working-class Germans. Walter would often send money to Regina, promising her a percentage of his inheritance, if she gave funds to Maurice's books. A year later, Maurice was sentenced to "Life with a chance of parole", in-which he utilized the opportunity to apply for parole, and was accepted this opportunity. Freedom Isn't Free Maurice Lacey was granted parole, at the age of 25, in-which the following guidelines were expected to be abided by until granted freedom: Maurice severely struggled with integrating within society, after spending endless years within legal custody. Since he could not associate with any black gangs within South Central, or any Felon within The United States, he resided within Little Seoul at the Dream Apartments, with Sophie Wu as his landlord. He laboured at Lil Seoul's L.T.D., slaving away countless shifts, hating every second of it, alongside with dealing with continuous racism from the Asians and Caucasians that resided in that area. He had underwent forced counselling to resolve his anger problems, narcotics abuse, and alcoholism. He remained on a fairly good track, despite undergoing literal wars with PEN1 members that resided outside of TTCF and SASP. His anger problems overtook him, resulting in several brawls with PEN1 members, alongside with abusive relationship with several women. After three months of residing within K-Town, knowing very well that it would lead to his imprisonment if he persisted with living there, he was given an opportunity to reside within Spanish Avenue, functioning as a full-time taxi driver for "Rafi Habeeb". He began aiding with the supplying of narcotics to two Blood sets, through several different girlfriends that he had during that time period, as his parole conditions prohibited him from associating with any known gang members. He had roughly 9 girlfriends, with each functioning as mules that would stash his firearms and narcotics for him, due to continuously undergoing weekly raids of his unit by the LSSD. After six months, with the combined stress of labouring a 9-5 job and struggling to remain a "straight-edge slave to the system", Maurice eventually relapsed and decided to smoke marijuana with one of the women that he was dating, named Anya Kuznetsova. He was eventually piss-tested, during his weekly routine raids and piss tests: ON THE RUN! AUF DER FLUCHT! After six entire months of parole, Maurice grew tired of this lifestyle. The constant 9-5 minimum-waged labor, mandatory therapy sessions, mandatory raids and piss tests, countless anti-Black racism with the high possibility of facing life imprisonment over mere fist-fights, and the endless Orwellian-like state. The constant disrespect of trashing his home and failing to clean up after their mess. It even got so severe that he was piss-tested while driving a client in his taxi cab, being surrounded by twelve officers at his own workplace to "piss in a bush". Maurice eventually relapsed, removing his ankle monitor before living "off-the-grid" under the alias of "Reese Muller" for eight entire months. He resided in an R.V. situated behind an old female accomplice's house, who granted him permission to park his R.V. in her backyard during the "Ada Ivy/Morsecode Killer" incident. "Reese Muller" aka "Panzer" aka "IPS De-Fi State of Mind" was his new alias, portraying himself as a German-Turkish man who engaged in "stocks trades and investments" in a little trailer, devoting most of his time towards surviving off of crypto-trading and investments while getting high and drunk on his lawn. He was completely isolated from most of society, and remained on the run for eight entire months, solely relying on the Grapeseed community for his survival. His drunken ego got to him, as he began boasting about how "Ada Ivy got caught before him" on social media, which eventually resulted in his demise: "I'M FUCKED! I GOTTA GET OUT!" - Maurice Lacey Maurice dedicated several years within T.T.C.F. under The Black Car, once again, before being transferred to the San Andreas State Penitentiary for even more years. All of his former connections with the Black Car were severed, and his status as a "Bloodline Rep" was no longer relevant. He only had ties to one specific member, and that member was unreachable from prison. His loyal girlfriend, who he finally chose to devote his life to, had smuggled in a cellular phone to him, often gold-digging on other men to fund his commissary. He also earned income engaging in online scams with "CASHLESS DELIGHT", through "IPS DE-FI STATE OF MIND" and "HUNDS", through his smuggled in phone. Maurice had a television, constant snacks, and was pretty much living the best possible life while imprisoned, while hating every second of it, solely because him and Anya planned to live "The Dream" of residing in a cottage in the county. He earned his GED and a degree in "Marketing" while in SASP. Eventually and fortunately, he was finally granted one more opportunity of parole due to his outstanding behavior. Victor Lombardo offered him his second and final chance at parole, literally being one vote away from being denied parole. These were his conditions: "This ma last chance" - Maurice Lacey His second chance at parole was his last. Being in his thirties, he did his most best to stray away from having to repeat the endless cycle of imprisonment. He moved into Mission Row with his girlfriend, Anya Kuznetsova, and finally offered to make it an "official" relationship, hoping to eventually get married and "Live the Dream" on the cottage home within the countryside. His forced employment became certified when Parole Officer, Jay Cooper, permitted Maurice to function as a full-time "Digital Marketing Specialist" for "Smoke Signals", as long as he also was willing to conduct some form of "waged-labour" within the store. Hence, he devoted his time towards cleaning the store and marketing products through online mediums. Maurice did not have the similar struggles and hardships of labouring a 9-5, as his labour was mostly online, granting him the freedom to work in a stress-free environment that he heavily adapted to with his experience of engaging in online scams in prison. Through Anya and therapy, his anger issues declined... he no longer had any temptation for alcohol and marijuana, excluding one-off occasions that were less serious than his former struggles. His scamming nature remained prevalent within him, often exploiting people's vulnerabilities and ignorance to toss him endless amounts of cash. His crimes were more well-crafted and organized, after having to undergo constant surveillance for half of his life. After five years, his hard labour allowed him to invest in cheap real-estate, causing him and Anya to function as real-estate agents within Mission Row, through "M&A Real Esate" Maurice Lacey and Anya Kuznetsova have been functioning as real-estate agents for a year, while Maurice continues with the constant grind of online trades and digital marketing as a side gig to maximize income. After all, their dream remains... on March 17, 2024 at 11:50PM, Maurice Lacey was eventually off of parole after six years. Maurice Lacey proposed to his girlfriend, Anya Kuznetsova, one week later, and are currently engaged. However, one issue remained prevalent in his life: He ain't relevant no more. Upon releasing a statement within podcast, through "Leo The Just", regarding his hardships in T.T.C.F., S.A.S.P., and parole, he was confronted by younger members proclaiming that they've "never heard of him". This caused Maurice to feel weak, as-if his life-long struggle has no meaning, any more, knowing that his reputation is non-existent amongst his own people, after five years of parole. He now feels like a bum. A nobody. A bitch nigga. A sell-out. He feels like a "washed-up nigga", like those old-heads who had put in all of that work for zero reward. Internally, he's always felt conflicted with his lifestyle. On one side, he's some "ex-con" to the people he once mocked. On another side, he's a nobody in the criminal underworld, amongst those who he has respected and associated with since his teenage years. He use to push kilos on the streets and live like a king in the pod, but now he's a nobody. Decades of "laying low" under constant surveillance has made him become the person that he's always opposed, growing up, and he seeks to regain the reputation that was lost. This is his story...
  4. *** Advertisement is refreshed. BOTH rooms are now OCCUPIED! April 7, 2024***
  5. Just make it so the "free" vehicle gets demolished after 40 hours.
  6. It would really depend on the location, as a lot of basements are often reserved for maintenance workers, cleaners, and laundry machines, as-well.
  7. More deaths, per capita, within GTAW than the entire world. 851,666.6 homicides per 100,000 inhabitants, and that's with 14-16 deaths, per day, on a server populated by 600 players. L.A., alone, is around 6.4 homicides per 100,000. If GTAW/LS/SA had 3.9 million inhabitants (which is roughly the population of L.A.), it would be 131 homicides per capita (out of 100,000 residents). This would mean that if L.S. actually had the population of L.A., then our murder rate per capita would be 20x higher than L.A... and we're really a server with 600 players. The numbers are astronomical, and this is only taking into consideration CKs, not PKs. PKs? Different story. Imagine robberies.
  8. *** Advertisement is refreshed. BOTH rooms are now OCCUPIED! April 7, 2024**
  9. Even when asset transfers were permitted, which it was, the numbers were still extremely low. Reason being by those who were classifying themselves as civilian? It was because robberies were through the roof due to zero regulation on them.
  10. The same could be said about those wanting to bring back vehicular robberies on to the server.
  11. I can assure you, the civilian population left, within a month, due to the mass-amount of robberies. I was the leader of one of the longest-lasting criminal orgs on L.C., and was there to witness it's demise when the server only had 10 players. "There arent any server alternatives lol if u start dishing out month long bans to the characters who only log into the game to mug or harass people then that behavior will soon stop" I agree.
  12. Funny enough, there still is one, and nobody has refuted the argument about how permitting "in the moment" vehicular robberies, without admin intervention, destroyed an entire server known as "GTAW: Liberty City".
  13. *** Advertisement is refreshed. BOTH rooms are now OCCUPIED! April 7, 2024**
  14. I would like to be able to pay just for that.
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