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Everything posted by Bospy

  1. Hey guys, You all know me as the former assistant head of IFM. Recently, I was put in charge of illegal faction management. I appreciate the trust that management is placing in me in this new position. I have plenty of ideas, many of which have been requested for some time. Here's a list of my priorities, this list is not exhaustive. There is no timeline for these changes. Some of these changes have already been executed in practice. Flesh out faction requests I think faction requests are one of our more interesting opportunities here on GTAW. No other server has allowed this degree of creativity before. With this in mind, I want to promote long-term use of faction requests by groups that are creative in their methods. We'll be standardizing rules for faction requests, as obviously we need some sort of in-game illegal action to represent money making. No illegal faction will inherently be forbidden from making numerous illegal scheme requests, HOWEVER, we will develop a format for each faction to make. Each faction will submit a central "hub" thread with their faction's name and then deliver a new application through that thread. The main post shall have a tracker to record each scheme. With the expansion of the faction requests system, we will develop internal roadblocks for "off-map" schemes. This would probably involve a random number generator. Certain schemes that rely on an off-map source of income could result in law enforcement attention, and one of the inherent risks we'd offer is an off-map regulatory agency informing local police. This is all contextual, of course. Reform suppliers Given the value supplied by cigarettes and weapon specialists, IFM doesn't see the need to restrict these applications to a quarterly application system. Therefore, we will be opening these applications on a rolling basis. In addition, our new idea for gun supplier will be to open many small "minor" supplier routes as opposed to giving each new gun supplier a default of 40 guns to start with. This is to better saturate the economy across the board as opposed to having numerous big players deciding where all of the weapons go. Conventional 60-gun suppliers will exist, and a "minor" gun supplier will eventually be upgraded to a "major" gun supplier. Historically, supplier has been abused by people arranging OOC deals. I will say outright I have a zero tolerance policy for our suppliers breaking any rules. From hereon, any violation of rules, up to an including an ajail, will result in a loss of the supplier status. This is a very important and critical role for the server. A supplier wields massive power in who they choose to sell to and who they associate with. Suppliers must set a positive example for the server. With the updated drug script, certain drugs are very powerful in use. Certain drugs, for instance, has many effects other drugs don't have. In order to avoid establishing a "meta" drug, we're limiting the supply of these drugs internally. In addition, we will be pushing to roleplay actual supply drops again. Reform IFM Council The IFM Council has existed for some time but mainly as a vestigial entity that is occasionally used for advice on implementing new systems. I want to see this function expanded. The IFM Council should be formalized on the forums as a neighborhood watch. IFM has always been very much a regulatory body as opposed to a proactive enforcement body. By formalizing the council on the forums, this gives us a great component to help IFM run smoothly. Listed Concepts IFM will likely develop a list of guidelines for newly submitted factions on concepts we will never approve, in this way we won't waste anyone's time. Obviously, for some time we have forbidden the creation of Yakuza or Norteno factions.
  2. PACIFIC BLUFFS SHOOTOUT LEAVES ELEVEN MEN DEAD AP LOS SANTOS - Authorities are investigating a prolonged and intensive gunfight that left eleven men dead in the streets of South San Andreas after a spate of murders. The killings, which occurred in the early hours of Friday morning, were apparently part of "premeditated violence between rival organized crime syndicates" according to Sergeant Andrea Schmid of the Los Santos County Sheriff's Department. Detectives active in the area heard the prolonged gunfire from blocks away and responded, Schmid said. Detectives on-scene reported active shots still being fired. Schmid noted that one participant managed to escape, and this is still being investigated by authorities. Schmid reported that fourteen firearms were recovered from the bodies, ranging from handguns to assault rifles. Among the bodies were numerous transnational Israeli organized crime figures and La Cosa Nostra affiliates ranging from cities in the states of New York to Pennsylvania. Among the dead were reputed Los Santos residents Dominick Garfaci, Frank Ida, and Ralph Sciandra, all of whom were associates of the Los Santos Mafia. Israeli organized crime figures Daniel and David Mizrahi were discovered as well.
  3. This group does not fit within continuity. Turkish organized crime does not exist on any notable level within the United States and the quality of this group demonstrated does not match the expectations of illegal faction management.
  4. (SD has historical longevity and roughly 6 times as many faction members as SAPR) SD roleplay picturized
  5. Crimes in public places generally fall under the purview of illegal faction management. Regulation of these crimes is our purview as well. Both continuity and illegal faction management generally agree that unless listed as a safezone, it can safely be assumed that committing crime in a public area is permissible beyond rules stipulating otherwise. Reckless activity, such as lack of fear, can be defined as powergaming, but is heavily contextual. Robbing someone in front of police officers, for instance, could be punishable. Attempting to stick up a large crowd gathered in front of a club could easily be punishable. So long as the crime could reasonably occur in real life in Los Angeles, we will allow it to occur here. If you are on a public street during daylight and someone sticks you up, assume the street is empty while the stickup is occurring. If there are people on the street, let them call 911. If they aren't calling 911, then that's an IC issue. Somewhere being public is not an excuse to forbid crime from occurring. Crimes occur every day in public places. Crime is fundamentally something done when the opportunity presents itself. Crime doesn't need to be conducted by criminal masterminds. Most criminals are below average intelligence. It would be unnecessarily onerous to force every criminal to mastermind schemes to commit simple thefts when their excuse for committing crime could be as simple as fueling an addiction. We cannot force players to roleplay non-existent entities restricting their fundamentally rule-abiding activities. This is immersion breaking. Imagine if we didn't have our canine script in place - would we force players to roleplay a canine chasing them down if a cop typed it in /do? Unrealistic chain robbers can be punished. Report players who are robbing people unrealistically. Looting rules are in place to prevent shootouts from devolving into Red Dead Redemption 2 or Escape from Tarkov. While one may argue that these kinds of decisions impact their ability to roleplay, you should seek IC recourse - charter your local government, demand increased patrol presence, hire security. Illegal characters should not be restricted from conducting robberies if they do so realistically. Geography does not limit the commission of crime, but what does limit the commission of crime is the presence of security and the increase of risk to a criminal. If a criminal perceives that the risk of robbing a target is too high, then they will not conduct a robbery. Unfortunately, civilians do not get to pick and choose when they are allowed to be victimized in real life, so this is reflected in-game just as well. This is the official position of IFM and changing from this position would result in a drastic reduction in criminal roleplay and have an unnecessarily unfair impact on limiting criminal roleplay and police roleplay. This would result in a knock-on effect of less interesting scenarios for police roleplayers, and as a result ruin two very important facets to our server. This position will not be changed.
  6. Given the already lengthy admin punishments issued and records of the associated member base, the group is closed and the members are prohibited from roleplaying as a group. If you continue to roleplay as a group, you will be administratively punished.
  7. All factions must make a thread in the War Logs forum with the title being their faction name. Whenever a faction initiates hostile action that would realistically result in further death, such as repeated instances of attack, a conflict log must be filed by that initiating party in their War Log thread. A faction which has faced numerous instances of attack by a party may file a defensive action log to record their allies and give their own perspective of the attack, but a defensive action log is only necessary if the defending party wishes to involve allies. Only one war log per war should be posted. We do not need a running narrative of an entire war, just a single post detailing your faction's wars. Unofficial groups need not file hostile action logs or defensive action logs, but factions must file these logs when initiating action against an unofficial group. Offensive War If a faction has hostile action taken against them, they could reply to their topic (optionally) with the following format: This will easier facilitate wars and allow us to keep tabs on faction conflicts much easier.
  8. This concept will not be permitted by IFM as it does not fit within continuity.
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