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Everything posted by Caporegime

  1. So I'm just suppose to take your word for it that extortion has changed or maybe it didn't in the U.S. and it's just isn't as wide spread? Well shit.
  2. Are you 100% sure about that there bud?
  3. Show me a GTAO skin that looks like an old man and doesn't look like an Alien with grey hair.
  4. Let me ask Aleksandr Kirmasov, the true Godfather of Russian RP, he should know.
  5. So.. much.. misinformation.. No. There's absolutely no need for this. Crime isn't an equal opportunity employer and introducing such a system would make it such.
  6. Get hit in the head with another bat why don't you.
  7. Splendid story. Quite the pleasant read. Nice to see the continuity over the last 2-3 years strive in a literary form as opposed to be forgotten with the weekly turn-over rate.
  8. The notion that an individual requires a reason and you need to know said reason is asinine. Humans kill for very petty reasons. From shoes to Religions. The issue at hand isn't the reason, but the individual getting murdered. They require a logical explanation for their death and without it they cause a shit-fit for the administrators or claim it was "deathmatch", as goes 9/10 shootings today (PK's included). Been there, done that, got the t-shirt. Use the CK application system which was the middle ground in the great "PK/CK" discussion of 2017/2018 (might want to go back and read the old threads). Gang Wars are CK's, or they should be. FM also has the right to turn into a simple conflict into a CK situation if they deem it necessary. You won't get a full CK server unless it starts like it and the people joining said server understand that you, as a roleplayer and the character you are portraying can and will eventually become a victim - it's a matter of ratios in the GTA:RP community and the proportions always favor the Cops or the Criminals.
  9. We all know the assumed mastermind was Aleksandr Kirmasov (praise be his name) and not Artyom Kostomarov.
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