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  1. Looks lit boys, keep it going! ?
  2. "It is forbidden to scam; therefore all scammers are punished unless they steal from city's budget and shake hands with right men." from the Diary of Alexandra Skorohodova, translated to English.
  3. "Once I swindled to feed myself, to stay alive, back where I came from. Now I swindle to feel alive, that's my trade, my thrill, my passion." from the Diary of Alexandra Skorohodova, translated to English.
  4. "What is a difference between con artist and a psychologist? They both abuse fundamental parts of our mind to make their living. One compromises and one pretends to useful while being elbow-deep in your dirty laundry." from the Diary of Alexandra Skorohodova, translated to English.
  5. Alexandra Skorohodova (Forfeiter, con artist, imposter) "He once asked me, if I enjoy the life of a swindler. A swindler? Dear, I am hungered in a ways you can't even imagine. Hungered by the sight of bankers and their mortgage rates, by insurance agents and bad loans. Hungered by the sight of consumption, the void we all fall in by feeding on each other. Our society itself is a scam that divides us into hunters and pray. And me? I am just a product of the society manured by your ignorance." - from Diary of Alexandra Skorohodova, translated to English.
  6. Yup. Loving GTA:W so far. ?
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