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Game Administrator Lvl. 2
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Posts posted by Dor

  1. I apologize for the delay. I used the time to consult several admins before concluding.


    After reviewing it with several people, we decided that the reasoning for the shooting was justified. DaVontay scammed Kian over a gun deal, which is pretty shady already. DaVontay took the chance when he knew what kind of people he was trying to trick, and 40K is a large amount of money. DaVontay was standing out of the car, which gave Kian the option to identify him correctly, and Kian roleplayed the shooting. Yes, it was a short line that could've been more detailed; however, I can understand the heat of the moment. I kindly ask Kian to keep that in mind in the future. 


    The fear RP accusation has no ground to it. It's possible that Kian didn't see the cruiser there and was unaware that there might be PD around the area. Either way, if that would've led to his arrest, it would've been his IC's fault. 


    Additionally, DaVontay didn't die to desync but to bleeding; therefore, the death is valid.


    No administrative action will be taken, and the situation will not be voided.


    Report concluded. 

  2. On 3/2/2024 at 11:59 PM, spydr said:

    from that day on I've been looking for him and I have finally seen him at the grove gas station 


    Can you please elaborate on that part? How were you looking for him? What steps were taken?

  3. Detailed Description
    One of the main reasons professional poker tournaments are private is that people can not spectate poker games. As a casino owner, we would like to create a professional poker league, but the script limitation does not allow us to do so. It can only be done if people could spectate the poker table and actively see the game. We don't need much, only the command /spectable to let us see the chat and graphic UI of the poker game, just like the blackjack table. I'm sure it was suggested before, somewhere on archived posts, but it's time to raise it again.



    Relevant Commands/Items

    Add poker tables to /spectable


    How will it benefit the server?

    Increase the roleplay around poke tournaments and allow people to develop their character stories properly and publicly as professional poker players. 

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