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Cellphone Improvements

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Short description:  Either remember what state the player choice for their phone to be or implement a drop phone command. 

Detailed description: I'm currently roleplaying a homeless character and I roleplay them having a budget phone that needs to be charged often, so I want their phone to be off most of the time. The only issue is, I always forget to turn off my phone when I log on, meaning people could call or message my character. 


I have also run into an issue with being able to drop/break a phone. Durring the storm the other day, my character got caught in it and has a very cheap phone, thus I wanted it to be broken. There is no /dropphone command or anything and the state of your phone does not get remembered therefore we run into the same issue where my phone is always on though it wouldn't be in character. I think a purchasable phone after breaking a phone for a number change would be pretty useful, to be honest. It would add a bit of realism to roleplay and some cool burner phone action for drug dealers and such. 

Commands to add: /dropphone; /buyphone

Items to add: N/A

How would your suggestion improve the server? It would introduce better roleplay for some people and would help people like me who want to roleplay their phones being off or broken. 

Additional information: N/A

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  • 4 months later...

What is being suggested here is implemented on the server.


You're able to purchase phones via contract or simple burner phones that charge you money upon usage.

You're also able to give and drop your phone as the phones are now actual objects in the player's inventory.

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