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Re-Write and Revise the Entire Ruleset


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Now, the title is ominous, but allow me to explain. The purpose of this is to limit the number of "shadow-rules" we have floating around - "PK amnesia" rules and giving a weapon to a player robbing you both come to mind.


My personal opinion is that the rules, as they are written, leave much open to interpretation with the very real possibility of misunderstandings between players and administrators. Some rules also contain strange examples that do not pertain to the rule itself, while others have exceptions in practice that are not explicitly stated, which may lead some to believe that others are attempting to trick them into breaking a rule. I've gone through the ruleset and done my best to revise it according to how the server works in practice as well as integrating consistent rulings into the appropriate rule category; please chime in if you believe a rule under my revision needs more extrapolation.


Again, this is not about rewriting the rules themselves, but presenting them in a manner that more directly conveys the meaning of each without room for misinterpretation - as such, it's possible that my interpretation is incorrect, in which case I would appreciate staff input on the rule (or a staff member typing a revised version themselves indicating the correct interpretation.)



1.0 Common Courtesy

While out of character it is expected of you to remain respectful and calm towards others. Always follow an administrator's instructions.


Failing to roleplay a situation is strictly forbidden. You're expected to be roleplaying at all times. If a player breaks the rule during the situation you must finish the roleplay and report later.



  • Insulting another player through /pm or /b.
  • Spamming.
  • Disregarding an administrator's decision.
  • Quitting on purpose to avoid RP.
  • Stealing a vehicle from a player that has crashed (e.g. finding a vehicle with the engine on and doors unlocked, then going to chop the vehicle right after.)
  • Robbing a player multiple times within a two-hour period (known as chain-robbing.)



  • You may log out to avoid offensive roleplay when you have not provided consent. In this case, use the /report function to alert staff to the situation before doing so.
  • After someone has begun to use a weapon mechanically, you're not required to emote until the conclusion of the fight.
  • Car crashes may be skipped and voided if all parties involved agree.



2.0 Powergaming


It is not allowed to perform actions which would not be possible in real life. It is not allowed to force actions upon another player. You are not allowed to roleplay a non-player character.




  • * James lifts the garbage truck high over his head. (Unrealistic.)
  • * James shoots Trevor in the heart, and Trevor dies. (Forcing injury.)
  • Jumping from a great height and not roleplaying the consequences of your fall.

It is mandatory to RP fear in situations/actions which you would usually refrain from doing realistically. Different individuals react to fear in different ways, but it is not an option for a character to disregard their own wellbeing without realistically exceptional circumstances.


  • Drawing a gun to rob someone in the middle of the street/populated area.
  • Running off/drawing a gun while being aimed at by the police.


CCTV is permitted within a person's residence and the footage thereof may be used without acquiring consent from other parties. If a player has mounted cameras outside their residence, in their vehicles or any place filming the public, they must get the consent of all parties involved. 




  • Stores that can be robbed have CCTV. The police can review these.
  • State agencies and Government vehicles may use front facing dash cams on their vehicles without acquiring consent.
  • CCTV is permitted inside Government buildings without acquiring consent.


3.0 Metagaming


Defined as using information your character does not know in-character. It can also include using out of character gained information to your advantage, or communicating with your party through the means of third party software to gain an advantage in-game.



  • You message a player via an OOC medium to pick you up at X location. (OOC information used IC.)
  • You coordinate with your team through Discord during a pursuit. (Third-party software for in-game advantage.)
  • You mention a player's name without having heard it used in reference to the specific individual before. (OOC information used IC.)



4.0 Deathmatching


Killing another player without proper reason to do so. This also includes the act of provoking others for the sole purpose of eliciting a response that you believe would enable you to kill them.




  • Shooting at a player because he is black and your character hates people from Afro American backgrounds. (Poor reasoning.)
  • Calling a player names in an attempt to have them chase you so that you can then 'defend' yourself by killing them. (Unrealistic provocation.)



5.0 Character Customization

The use of unrealistic clothing options, facial features, et cetera is forbidden.




  • Dressing your character to resemble an alien.
  • Making your body invisible or intentionally glitched.



6.0 Character Name

It is not allowed to use a name that could be offensive to other players. Additionally, it is also not allowed to use names of famous people or characters from any form of media. Names should be realistic and not intentionally comical.




  • You create a character with the name George_Bush.
  • You create a character with the name Karon_Nigger.
  • You create a character with the name John_Marston.
  • You create a character with the name Harold_Balls.


7.0 Third Party Modifications

Any modification which gives a player any type of advantage over other players is strictly forbidden; failure to adhere to this rule will result in permanent expulsion from the server without the possibility of appeal.




  • Modifying your vehicle's acceleration through third party software.
  • Spawning in weapons.
  • Use of godmode.
  • Usage of macros that circumvent the spirit of server scripts - such as attempting to conceal the fact you are AFK from the script.


8.0 Bug Abusing

Abusing or exploiting bugs is strictly forbidden and the exploiting party will likely end up with a permanent ban. Any bugs found out by players are to be reported in the right forum section.




  • You notice that you can spend money on something even though you have none; rather than report the issue, you continue to use the bug to your benefit.


9.0 Offensive Roleplay

Roleplay that includes cannibalism, sexual acts, torture, or any other type of roleplay that could offend another player is not allowed unless express consent is provided by both parties to continue. If one party withdraws their consent, the roleplay must stop immediately. Additionally, the roleplay must take place out of sight of players who have not given their consent.




  • You roleplay sexual intercourse in public.
  • You rape a person who has not given you their out of character consent.


10.0 Robbing and Scamming

It is only permitted to rob another player for a maximum of $5,000. It is only permitted to scam another player for a maximum of $75,000. It is not permitted to defraud someone of their property or vehicle, however. There are no limitations on item scams (including drugs, weapons, ores, etc.)


Before performing a business robbery (entering a nightclub to rob everyone, or robbing the business itself) you must notify the administration team with a /report and wait for their acknowledgment, as we do not want these to happen on a regular basis. The quality of your roleplay will be under strict scrutiny if you choose to perform a business robbery.


Using your vehicle to incapacitate someone for the purpose of robbing them is unrealistic and therefore not permitted.


When selling a house which is linked to a garage, you must also sell the garage to the house's buyer - the garage must be included in the sale price you set for the house, despite being a mechanically separate interior.


Chaining robberies on your character, unless perfectly roleplayed, will be considered unrealistic and a poor portrayal of ANY character. Be careful if you choose to do this - when in doubt, notify an administrator and ask that they spectate your play.




  • You rob a player and force them to pay you more money than the maximum of $5,000. (Robbery limit.)
  • You scam a player for their vehicle. (Property/vehicle scams not permitted.)




  • There is no limit to the amount of money you can scam from someone when the purchase and/or sale of illegal paraphernalia (drugs, weapons) is involved in the transaction.


11.0 Property Destruction

Destroying another player's property requires approval from an in-game administrator. This applies to real estate such as apartments, houses, and businesses. Vehicles can be destroyed without prior approval, but the chain destruction of vehicles without a purpose is unrealistic (and therefore prohibited.)




  • Setting a house on fire without the approval from an administrator.
  • Stealing ten cars in quick succession and driving each into a lake.


12.0 Crime-Free Areas

It is not permitted to commit crimes or to provoke players within designated crime free areas. However, it is permitted to continue the crime if the roleplay was initiated elsewhere and the situation traveled to a crime-free location. This does not preclude players from continuing to act in a realistic manner with relation to the crime and location. When in doubt, ask a staff member.


Crime free areas include the following locations:


  • Government buildings (such as police and fire stations, the prison and city hall).
  • Banks (ATM's not included) 
  • Airport
  • Customization feature (the player is considered INSIDE the building)
  • Ammunation Area




  • Robbing a player at a bank. (Crime-Free location.)
  • Chasing a player into the police station and shooting them (Unrealistic.)



13.0 Abusing a Purchase Firearm License (PF)

Purchasing multiple copies of the same weapon from the Ammunation is not permitted; likewise, it is prohibited to transfer weapons purchased with your PF license (or any other item) to another character without the appropriate application. It is strictly forbidden to sell, trade, or give away firearms purchased with a PF license. This applies to ammunition purchased with a PF license too.




  • Selling handguns which were purchased with a PF license to other players.
  • Giving away handguns which were purchased with a PF license to other players.




  • You are held at gunpoint and robbed of your firearm. Under this circumstance, it is permitted to give your weapon to another player. This will be monitored strictly, and individuals found to be buying weapons for the purpose of being 'robbed' (see OOC trading) will be punished accordingly.



14.0 Real World / OOC Trading

It is strictly forbidden to trade your in-game money and assets to other players for real life currency or OOC reasons. It is also prohibited to transfer in-game assets from one of your characters to another. Players caught doing so risk a permanent ban or a full asset removal.




  • Trading your in-game currency for real life currency.
  • Trading assets for an OOC reason using IC means.
  • Dropping weapons so that your other character can pick them up.



15.0 Drawing Weapons

It is not permitted to draw weapons without proper, realistic roleplay, with the exception of the following weapons:

  • Small melee weapons (Knife, Hammer, Bottle, Dagger, KnuckleDuster, SwitchBlade, Flashlight)
  • Small handguns (Pistol, CombatPistol, Pistol50, SNSPistol, HeavyPistol, VintagePistol, Revolver, APPistol, StunGun, FlareGun)
  • Small thrown weapons (Grenade, SmokeGrenade, BZGas, Molotov, Flare)
  • Other small guns (MachinePistol, MiniSMG)



  • Player puts an assault rifle on the scroll wheel, pulls it out, and shoots someone without roleplay indicating the action of drawing the weapon.
  • Player roleplays drawing a sawed-off shotgun from his back pocket.


16.0 Business rules

Factions may not own/lease more than 2 scripted business, with a maximum of 1 per type. These businesses include:

  • Factory
  • Garage
  • Clothing Store
  • Barbershop
  • Tattoo parlor
  • Plastic surgeon
  • Ammunation
  • Gas station


You may not trade back any of the money received from the script to the buyer. Example: Advertising 10% off on weapons in your ammunation, and give back 10% using 50% of the money you received in your business when the player bought the weapon.


Edited by Smilesville
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