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How Turkish are you?


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Hi. We're a pretty crazy nation (in a good way, I promise) so I thought I'd bring this little game to the forums. It's quite common here and I thought some among you might find it enjoyable. I'm turkish myself and absolutely no hate etc is intended, it's all fun and games. Here is how it works: 


Answer the questions to yourself, and then match your replies with the correct replies.  Feel free to compare your replies with the real ones in the comments. Let's see how turkish you are :^) 


1.) You're going to visit your friend. You knock on the door, and your friend asks (doesn't look through the peephole, obviously): "Who is this?" What would you say to this question?


2.) You're going to hire somebody, to clean your flat, let's say. Would you clean up before that person arrives?


3.) You're outside, and some random dude asks you some address. But you don't know where the place is. What do you tell them?


4.) How do you know if a pair of socks in your drawer are dirty or not?


5.) You meet a foreigner. You want to teach him one word/phrase from your own language. (language barrier is disregarded, of course) What is the first thing you'd teach that person?


1) We'd say "it's me!".

2) We would definitely tidy up like crazy. It's shameful for the host if a foreigner enters one hell of a disaster of a flat. No way you're going to let them see you in that lifestyle.

3) Despite knowing nothing, we're going to say anything that comes to mind. Most common phrases are along these lines; "turn right from that corner, walk for a bit, then ask again!"

(protip, never ask for directions in Turkey, a map is much safer ;D)

4) Smell test. Definitely.

5) It must be some form of swearing. No chances for anything else. If any of you has turkish friends out there, conduct this test immediately to confirm if they actually are turkish or not.




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1 minute ago, Missi said:

1) hello it's me ur brother

2) a little bit

3) Google it dude I don't know

4) I would probably just throw them in the wash if I had any doubt

5) poop


taken on the request of bloodseeker

i knew this would happen, americans almost always fail this :P

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  • 2 weeks later...

1.) I stay outside and hop on discord: I'm here.


2.) If they're going to clean my flat, then no, I'm not cleaning up beforehand. If it's in another matter, sure, I'll clean a bit.


3.) I'll clench my jaw and get prepared to fight in case the fucker tries to rob me.

6 minutes ago, Valentina Richardson said:

3.) I don't know where that is and/or lie if they're intoxicated : ^)


4.) A pair of dirty socks wouldn't be in my drawer. You throw them in the laundry bag, you filthy rat.


5.) I don't understand. Easy.

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