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What is La eMe?


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La Eme's background


La eMe is a major player in the western half of the USA in organized crime. It came about during the 50's when a group of gangbangers were incarcerated. To protect themselves from other groups they banded together despite their rivalries on the streets. The power of the prison gang was a source of order and organized chaos in the same breath. Since the gang originated in Southern California the gangs under its control are referred to as surenos or Southsiders. It was during this time that it took on the symbol of the black hand. 


La eMe committed a string of brutal crimes to establish its credentials in the California prison system. These actions had consequences however and numerous members were transferred to San Quentin. The thought was that this would cause discord in the ranks and they'd just be a droplet in a sea of hardened criminals. The thought was wrong and they simply went onto killing rivals to gain control over all Mexican-American inmates there and across other prisons in the system. They spread like wildfire but this didn't come without creating enemies. The Southsiders had a number of cultural differences from newer Mexican immigrants who worked the fields across California. They were looked down upon and were victimized by chartered members of La eMe. In time this led to the Nuestra Familia prison gang being set up to curb La eMe's influence. Since those days in the 60's they had been at odds with eachother both in prison and on the streets. 



How It Operates 

As stated in the background the gang's originates as a confederation of Hispanic inmates from differing gangs. During their sentence members that are loyal to La eMe have to serve the organization's needs whatever they may be. The benefit of this is not being on the pointy end of a shank and typically money or narcotics. Many gang members see prison as a means to get more connections on the streets and distinguish themselves to the mafia. Once out of prison they haven't let off the hook. They're expected to fulfill any order that is given by The Black Hand. It is through this system that the gang maintains a steady supply of drugs and other contraband into the prison system. The street gangs gained protection on the inside and of course more connections upon getting outside.  Their affiliation with the mafia is expected to supersede that of the gang if the situation calls for it.



La eMe being a confederation means that it relies strongly on gangs getting along with each other or at least conducting gang warfare in a way that doesn't bring heat. The most notable example of this is when La eMe ordered affiliated gangs to no longer perform drive-by shootings. Despite that stance conflict still occurs but doesn't get out of control as was the case in past Hispanic gang wars. 

It is thought that how the gang is structured is that a governing body of top inmates oversees operations rather than having a kingpin. The underlying structure is then broken down into progressively smaller units under a carnal.





Tribute & Benefits

The reason that the Mexican Mafia continues to exist is due to a belief system. The belief that allegiance to the organization will pay off. Gang members are very likely to go back to prison and because of this, it's important to stay on the good side of the mafia. Gangs that do not submit to the mafia can be green-lit and that have been several examples of this overtime. To name a few of these there are Mara Salvatrucha, Maravilla, and obviously norteno gangs. Sureno gangs that align with the Mexican Mafia are expected to pay tributes to continue reaping benefits. This tribute is basically just an extortion of drug dealers and other rackets controlled by Latino gangs. On top of that, The Mexican Mafia expects these gangs to be exclusively supplied with their narcotics. Made members go out to get these tributes and distribute narcotics. These gangs that are a part of this scheme tend to have a 13 included in their set's name. 


Connections to Drug Cartels

The bulk of La eMe's profits come from narcotics being sold in the prison system and on the street to established street gangs under its banner.Mexico is a major drug transit point and a huge producer in its own right. It's not a crazy idea that some of the drugs being distributed by La eMe are supplied by Mexican cartels. La eMe acts as a mediary between these cartels and street gangs to get their supply.


Structure of La eMe

To be filled.

Conduct of Members & Regulations

To be filled.

Ties to Other Prison Gangs

To be filled. 



The topic is a WIP I just wanted to get it posted up along with a few other things I'm working on.


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