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Under the cosh - Bellamy James Ward Thread


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Bellamy Ward

Broker born Bellamy James Ward was delivered in 1992.  With no father on the scene and having lost his mother at the age of four, Bellamy ended up spending his early years in a boys home in Beechwood City.  At the age of eleven the boys Grandfather retired from his career on the oil rigs and went on to become Bellamy's guardian in 2003.  Bellamy moved in with his Grandfather in La Mesa Los Santos and attended High School until 2007 where he was expelled.  Ward was a troubled child who struggled to conform to society and after a few years of failed careers and shallow involvement in petty crime - At the age of 23 he was sentenced to 9 years for aggravated burglary and served 5, before being released at the start of 2020 aged 28.  


Initially Bellamy fell in with some friends he had been inside with that had a few hustles around La Mesa.  But after his grandfather passed Bellamy inherited a small apartment and his gramps' comic book store.  It was this that thrust Ward into an attempt at a legitimate existence.  It was short lived, and Bellamy Ward is rumored to be involved with multiple criminal activities once again.  



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