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Should Police Vehicles Be Upgraded?


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Should police vehicles have upgrades fitted to them?

I have recently discovered police cruisers have upgraded Transmission, Engine, Breaks and have turbo fitted to them. I don't know if this is due to a problem with the police vehicles or something, as I said I have just recently discovered this.

I want to know what other players think of this. Does this give them a unfair or unrealistic advantage?

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The Torrence SSO is fast as hell but all other police cars are VERY slow, even with upgrades.


They will try to argue with you that to drive the Torrence you first need special training and it's really slow in corners but in reality it's an extremely fast and balanced vehicle. 


On the other hand, something to consider is that an unrealistic portion of people in this server run from the cops, nearly 100% of them with maxed out vehicles, therefore justifying a maxed out police car.

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