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Pause prison times when switching character or logging off.

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Short description: Make prison times no longer count down when the character is offline.

Detailed description: When you log off / switch character, the prison time should pause on that specific character. Roleplay in jail is encouraged but due to this, hardly anyone is in jail because they just switch character.

Commands to add: None. Edit functionality of the prison time.

Items to add: no.

How would your suggestion improve the server? Realism and better prison roleplay / playtime.

Additional information: N/A

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The problem you're bringing up is a lack of roleplay in jail. But your proposed solution is only to stop the timer from counting down when you're offline, and has no mention of reducing the sentences as well. If that's the case, then absolutely not - the prison times are designed as they are for the current timer system we use.


Also, why do you think that this would encourage roleplay and not just AFKing around in your cell?

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Dont make this lsrp where everyone just does anims in prison. Atleast now the people ic are actually rping and WANT to be ingame, if u force it then ur just gonna have every dude that got caught for evading afking. Bad suggestion

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I personally would be for this idea. It would make prison rp more active, people may be more considerate and afraid of being arrested. Personally I wouldn't mind sitting in prison with anim and watching a movie on a side or doing some uni work or something with screen open to see if anyone approaches me then I would RP.

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