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You know like, if I said one thing moderately snarky to anyone on this community I get muted or banned.

If multiple people start being a dick to me, it's all good to lock the thread and laugh with them.


It's actually not right - I did fuck all to anyone on this community yet you still all want to act like dicks the second I open my mouth.


It wasn't an attempt to get unbanned, it was a thread on the general discussion talking about progression in the server, separate to me.



How about we spam useless comments, nitpick at comments that are completely disconnected in an attempt to make yourself right when in reality you've just made yourself look like an idiot to anyone who's got half a brain and isn't trying to be funny 24/7. And then lock them.


Let's keep it fair, or not, I know that's not usually an occurring theme around here.


Watch my ban appeal get denied for this thread.

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