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Just Torstein


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Torstein was born in Norway in your average family with jobs that allowed them to surface the waters of the poor. Torstein understood that his family can't afford much from the start and he didn't ask for much from his parents except for love and attention as he grows up just like any other kid. The problem was his father was an alcoholic that was beating on his mama and they had fights breaking out every night, even having the police involved sometimes. Plates and silverware flying left and right, doors being shut and screams coming from behind what seemed like impenetrable barriers for him.

Despite the environment he was living into, he was doing pretty great at school, he was first in his class and even won competitions in the first few grades. Much of the work he was doing for school was to get the attention of his parents and to show them he is a good kid. Even so, his efforts were in vain. His father never harmed him physically but he wouldn't stop complaining about how useless he is, that he doesn't listen and won't do stuff right, his mother kept beating him until he couldn't even sit down or hold something in his hands. She was just as abusive as his father, she wasn't an alcoholic, but her ego, arrogancy and selfishness couldn't be stopped.


                      Growing up
He grew up to be a very peaceful lad and avoid fights as much as he could, he had enough of them at home and saw how they bring the worst in people, no, he didn't want any of that anymore. Yet he wouldn't hesitate to hit back if he had to. From the money he had gathered over the years, or well whatever he could, his parents weren't giving him much, it was more like begging from them, he bought a camera, this would later on become one of his hobbies. He'd been ice skating since he was a little kid, he found just as much peace in that as he finds in photography. Quietly sliding over the ice with nobody to disturb him, feeling the wind in his face and the silence was calming for him. He was gradually disconnecting himself emotionally from his family, after all they've put him through, even though it's family, he doesn't believe he should have any obligations towards them. Torstein was only doing what's best for him.

By the age of fourteen, just like any other kid he's had his share of crushes on girls. He was unconsciously seeking for the love he's never received from his family. Torstein hooked up with this one girl that was just as broken as him, he felt compassion for her, and so did she. They got along well and did what's best for each other, always making compromises, so they would be together for years to come.

                      Adulthood and university
By the time he was nineteen and finished school he'd been through hell and back already. He couldn't hate his parents more than this, his mother always making him do stuff and not get anything in return or whenever he'd ask for something or for help he wouldn't receive it, same old story. She always stole items from him, including money, she never asked for anything, she was entitled to everything but he didn't have the privilege of having anything.
His father couldn't be more of a bystander at this point. Torstein was on his own. Fortunately, by the age of eighteen he had a job and no longer depended on his parents. By now the only person he relied on was himself. He was accepted into the criminology and psychology university and was keen on graduating it so he could get a job in the domain.

It was as if he was living a dream, moving out and going to a different city, escaping from everything that troubled him. All was perfect. Until, at the age of twenty one, he found out the girl he was with was cheating on him whilst he was at university, when they were video calling and she forgot the camera on and a guy entered her room. He could see it all. It completely broke him. All the times his family relentlessly told him he wasn't wanted, loved, that they'd be better off without him and that they'd save more money without him. All the times he has heard his mother cry on the phone that she doesn't know what to do anymore because she hates him. All the beatings, dragged on the floor, threw, kicked, punched. He couldn't deal with it anymore. He died on the inside and couldn't care less anymore about anything. Torstein cut all ties with everyone, deleted his social media, changed his phone number, finished the university and moved to San Andreas seeking a new beginning.


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Edited by Puglad
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