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Chau-Lau Clique ( 洲劉集團)

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Chau-Lau Clique
all asian progress assocation



The Chau-Lau Clique, much like many modern day Asian and Chinese crime organisations in the United States, has it’s roots in the Tongs of Chinese immigrants. Whilst working on the increasing urbanisation of the West Coast, Chinese suffered horrendously at the hands of the Americans that exploited them for cheap labour. Underground societies began to form under the guise of social clubs, attempting to protect the rights of Chinese workers by force. However, as these organizations grew in power, they also lost sight of their original goals, often turning on their own communities and extorting their own, beginning the cycle all over again. The Chau-Lau Progress Alliance in particular, however, has it’s beginnings in the aftermath of the 1992 Los Santos riots. 


Tongs in the 60s were often made up of Chinese refugees, many seeking their support from the organised gangs of Hong Kong and Taiwan.


Caused by the acquittal of Frank Tenpenny, Los Santos went up in flames for over a week. Chinese businesses were targeted by Black and Hispanic Gangs, causing the Chinese communities to be virtually annihilated. After having their businesses burnt down and looted, Chinese business owners began to form small groups in order to protect themselves from the gangs in the local area, taking advantage of their destroyed communities to extort and rob them. Due to the extent of the damage caused, government support to the Chinese community was minimal, causing them to become more isolated and resistant than before the riots. These groups were spread out and disorganised, but by the early 2000s many had began to become more structured, forming numerous legal and illegal (And often grey) associations to protect themselves, and to make money. 

The Chau-Lau Clique, it’s legal face known as the All-Asian Progress Association, formed by a union of a number of these localised groups operating within the city already, seeks to progress the rights of Chinese and Chinese-Americans within Los Santos, as well as afford protection to Chinese-owned businesses and communities. Formed out of the remnants of these early 2000s localised groups, the clique makes use of both legal and illegal methods to achieve their aims, with various connections buried deep within the group to a plethora of other Chinese and Asian groups and organisations.


Many groups maintained themselves after the riots, including the cliques that would come to form the Chau-Lau clique. These cliques often became part of the greater ecosystem of organised Chinese crime abroad.


While people join the clique for a number of reasons, the vast majority of members tend to be fairly conservative and nationalistic, either in it for the promise of wealth or for their own personal pro-Chinese ideas. The chances of someone coming into the inner circle who aren’t Chinese or Asian are virtually zero, due to paranoia and suspicion, so keep this in mind when making your character. The ages of new members are usually quite young, though sometimes older Chinese may join if they are new in town, or were not part of any group previously but have a need to join for one reason or another. Do not make an ex-Triad or ex-Tong character and expect to be welcomed into the faction - If you used to be part of a Tong or a Triad, chances are that you would not be joining this clique as a complete fresh member.


Hierarchy is mostly based on age, with older, more experienced members being placed at a higher respect than younger, less experienced members. Being a first or second generation immigrant is also more respected than being an Americanised Chinese, though so long as you RP either Asian or mixed chances are that you will be perfectly fine.


The group bases themselves, and mostly operates, in Little Seoul, though they do operate in other areas around Little Seoul if they deem it to be commercially or socially needed.


Recruitment is done on a complete IC basis.

If you have any questions about making a character that is applicable to the group, then feel free to contact through forum PMs or at california dreamin...?#4784 on discord.

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