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Business Fliers


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Short description: 

Allow business members to distribute fliers with basic info and business location

Detailed description:

I suggest creating a flier system where a business owner can generate fliers at a cost to the business and distribute or hire someone to distribute them. The flier should include the name of the business and when used from the inventory puts a marker on the player's map with the location of the business. This could also be extended to players running events by requesting a flier through an application and having the fliers with the event location added to their inventory

Commands to add:

/createflyers [Number]

Items to add:

Flier-[Business Name]

How would your suggestion improve the server?

Would allow businesses to interact more with other players in an IC manner instead of running /cad non-stop.

Additional information:

Could also allow a /setflier command to add custom text to the flier when used to display on the player's chat.

Also useful for Jehovah's Witnesses

Edited by Pinkerton
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