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Adding a /setxmrvolume command


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Short description: Adding a command for example /setxmrvolume to stop the radio being extremely loud upon entering a vehicle.

Detailed description: When you have set an XMR station to your car or house as noted in the development the default volume is 50% which is extremely loud and it resets to 50% every time you exit and re-enter said property or car. My suggestion is to add a command where you can set the default volume in your cars and houses to set % for example /setxmrvolume 25 this would set the volume to a default 25% and will stay at that level when you exit and enter the property or vehicle.

Commands to add: /setxmrvolume

Items to add: N/A

How would your suggestion improve the server? I believe it will improve the server allowing people to set their custom volume for themselves and other people allowing it not to be too load or two quiet, It allows clubs to set there default volume for all players and It will prevent people getting jump scared or an earache from it resetting every time.

Additional information: N/A

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