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Low end house interiors


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Short description: For just 'decent' houses in general, use the medium end apartment interior from GTA Online.


Detailed description: The Vepucci apartment is kind of an immersion breaking interior, especially when taken into context with the house's exterior (for example in Mirror Park). Being able to see the beach out of the window and literally exit the Vespucci interior isn't that good a thing.
The low end interior from GTA Online would only fit the houses in South and South Central, essentially the ghettos and gang territories.


Commands to add: Nothing, just change the interior. The rest remain the same.


Items to add: ^


How would your suggestion improve the server? Read above.


Additional information: Pics of the medium end apartment from GTA Online.






Edited by Panky..
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6 minutes ago, Rumbunctious said:

This interior is already used, mostly in the Vinewood appts afaik.


Shouldn't the Vinewood houses have the stilt house interiors instead of the above one?

Edited by Panky..
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