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Everything posted by Asesci

  1. Even though I've played whilst being intoxicated numerous times and gotten into trouble for it, too, I still continue to do it. I just don't care, to be honest... I like to consume alcohol and do prescription drugs... it's fun.
  2. Get rid of all these scripted RPG jobs OR make them more teamwork-based, and I guarantee you that you will start seeing more people around.
  3. Short description: Prevent the delivery trucks from despawning immediately upon the player timing out or their game crashing. Detailed description: Currently, when the player gets disconnected from the server due to a failed connection attempt or their game crashes (which occurs rather frequently), if the player is on a delivery mission, the mission gets immediately cancelled and the truck is despawned instantly. I'd propose that, upon crashing or timing out, the truck would stay for around 10 minutes and, if the player was able to connect in time, their mission would still be available for them, without having to return to the docks for a new delivery mission. Commands to add: None. Items to add: None. How would your suggestion improve the server? My suggestion would improve the server in the sense that players would no longer have to run all the way back to the docks upon crashing or timing out during a delivery mission, subjecting themselves to being robbed or ran over by a laggy truck on the way back. Instead, players could simply continue their mission as if nothing had happened at all. Additional information: None.
  4. Why not? Why should a player's characters be regarded as one and the same? The assets are tied to each individual character. Characters are individual entities. Why should players be essentially punished for having multiple playable characters? In any case, Kota's already forwarded the idea to management, so the suggestion's essentially been forwarded, too. Right now I'm just using this as a discussion thread.
  5. With all due respect, I don't think you understood my suggestion properly. The idea of the suggestion is not to give everybody $200,000 for free. The idea is to give the 40-hour bonus to all new characters, regardless of whether the player had previous characters or not. The player would still have to play for those 40 hours on the character in order to receive that $200,000, so the money would definitely not come "for free."
  6. Exactly. All systems can be abused. It's only a matter of oversight. The system has to be monitored properly. When people know that the risk of being caught when abusing the system is high, most players will not even want to try it. I've edited the thread and its title because I felt that the old system was better than what I initially proposed. The only change to the old system now is that the 40-hour bonus would persist on all characters on the same UCP.
  7. Surely, people who were caught abusing the boost would be punished for it. I don't see any harm in giving the boost to all characters on one UCP. Those assets couldn't be transferred, anyway. And this is what my suggestion shall be about from now on: to give the paycheck bonus to all new characters, even alternative ones.
  8. This is exactly what I mean. These kind of limitations limit creativity. And when players aren't allowed to be creative, they become frustrated. Personally, I created a fourth character without knowing that I wouldn't be getting the additional $5,000 an hour. I probably wouldn't have created the character had I known that I wouldn't get the additional paycheck. Regardless, I've managed to grind about $25,000 in like ~3 hours. It's not ideal, but there's really not much of a choice when your character is under 20 years old and thus can't work as a bartender, isn't suitable for manual labor, and cannot join any of the legal factions. So, delivering goods it is, even though that alone is quite destructive to the character's development.
  9. That's exactly what I meant when I mentioned "total assets." If the player owned a house worth $100,000, they would no longer receive the $5,000 paychecks.
  10. Considering that an additional character slot costs 100 World Points, which translates to 10 euro, I doubt that that many players will be having so many characters. But the ones that do should not be hindered because of that, especially when they have paid said 10 euro to acquire the character slot in the first place. Also, what's wrong with having multiple characters? I'm personally one of those people who come up with different character concepts on a daily basis. I obviously can't execute all of my ideas, but I'd at least like to execute the ones that seemed important to me. Which is why I purchased the additional character slot. Limiting the amount of characters basically limits creativity. My creativity blossoms, hence I want to try and do different things on different characters. Besides, we can't all role-play a jack-of-all-trades type of character, who just happens to be a mechanic, a taxi driver, a courier, occasionally a bartender, and a lawyer on the weekends.
  11. I was actually criticizing the job in my two previous messages. It was first brought up by someone else as a "viable" method to earn money. I personally disagree with that, given that the job can only be performed at a certain time and only once or perhaps twice a day. Generally, it's not worth it when you can easily make $10,000 an hour by delivering goods, without having to do tedious /me's constantly. (Not that doing /me's in general would be a bad thing. I'm personally all for quality role-play. Emphasis on the word quality.) My argument is that there should be an actually viable method to earn money, at least up to a certain point, without having to do any tedious work for it. And without sacrificing one's time away from role-playing. So, in an essence, players should be allowed to earn money and role-play at the same time.
  12. First of all, how would people abuse getting the money on their alternative characters? It's not like these characters' assets were linked to each other. People can't just transfer the money, either. That would be bannable without admin permission. Each character is basically their own entity, and, as such, should be treated independently from each other. Because of that, all characters should receive the money. Second of all, not every character is suited for construction work. Or bartending, or anything else like that, for that matter. There are different reasons for that. For one, the character may be confined to a wheelchair and therefore has no way of working those kind of jobs. For two, the character may be very old, and as such is not suited for work. There are a plethora of other reasons, as well, and the current system isn't really taking that into account.
  13. That's not true for all characters of the player, however. I'm currently on my 4th character and I'm not receiving those $5,000 paychecks despite the fact that my character only has like $25,000 in total assets. The only way to make money is to grind or find a RP job, such as bartending, but those positions don't exactly grow on trees... plus bars and clubs are typically only open for an hour a day, and they hire a maximum of 2 bartenders. So it's rather competitive and only pays that $5,000 once a day.
  14. Short description: Provide the players with $5,000 paychecks every hour until they have played for their first 40 hours in-game, without any limitations. Detailed description: Currently, players are earning $5,000 on their first character until they have played for 40 hours in-game. This bonus isn't available to any other characters on the same UCP, however. I'd like to see the bonus across all characters on the same UCP, and not just the first one. Commands to add: None. Items to add: None. How would your suggestion improve the server? The suggestion would improve the server in the sense that players would no longer be required to work for hours on end in order to be able to afford the bare necessities (such as a vehicle and some outfits) for the purpose of role-playing and portraying their characters realistically. Additional information: None. Please post your comments, questions, and concerns below. Thank you.
  15. No, it's not... that's just a shoddy excuse. The main point is for everyone to have fun and roleplay, not to work for hours on end to afford the necessities to roleplay.
  16. @Airwolf Exactly, it's a roleplay server, not a job simulator. Players who abused the system would be punished, similar to how they are being punished right now for AFKing, etc.
  17. @Topinambour I completely agree. And your idea of paying 5k an hour up to a certain amount, such as 100k, would be a great concession. That way players could RP without the grind, but they wouldn't get rich by that alone. I'd love to see that happen.
  18. My personal mindset on roleplay servers is that when I'm working in real life, my character is working, too. When I get back home, I don't want to spend my free time working in a video game. Now, tell me, based on what logic should I not be rewarded with money by providing other players with roleplay, for instance? Because, when I play, I make sure that other players can also enjoy themselves around me. I'm like a storyteller, and people get sucked into my stories...
  19. @Pascal You bring up some good points, and I definitely agree with you on the fact that you don't have to grind on your first character to any serious extent in order to achieve some of your goals. But the problem arises when you start a new character from scratch. You no longer receive the 5k payments every hour on that character. What's the point in that? It's not like your characters' assets were linked together. I, too, hope that I haven't strayed too off-topic with my concerns, but I felt that the aforementioned just had to be mentioned.
  20. I meant that the deals were being done on Discord on LSRP. I should've probably clarified that better. While I understand that people can buy from people who have bought their product from the official factions, while it may sound ideal to you, it isn't very ideal in the long run. Because, as product gets resold, the price of the product typically increases. This will, in the long run, lead to the server economy becoming inflated, just like it has on LSRP. And inflation is very difficult to deal with after the fact. So I'd rather like to have preventive measures instated.
  21. I personally believe that RPG jobs are generally a bad thing, because they keep players away from what's most important on a role-play server: role-playing. Due to the fact that the unemployment benefit is only $500 an hour, and entrance fees, clothing items, tattoos, vehicles, properties, etc. all cost a lot of money, there's no other choice but to result to delivery missions, mining, fishing, and other RPG jobs in order to keep up appearances and portray one's character realistically. In other words, players are basically being forced to work for hours on end, every day, if they want to role-play their characters to the fullest. That's why I don't agree with the concept of RPG jobs as the concept currently exists. In order to remedy the situation, I'd propose the universal basic income for all players for an unlimited duration of time. $5,000 an hour would be sufficient in order to be able to afford all the basic necessities and certain luxury items, too, and people could focus on role-play rather than doing these RPG jobs. Also, what about those players who have work and other commitments in real life? I'd argue that those people didn't have much time for the grind, perhaps even driving them away from this sort of game that takes up a lot of free time in order to get everything out of what the game has to offer. I'm not saying that RPG jobs should be removed completely. They offer the players something to do while there's nothing else to do, which is, by far, the best aspect of these RPG jobs. And that's what the purpose of these jobs should be. Personally, however, I'd wish that the RPG jobs were more interesting. Honestly, why would anyone want to work as a garbage man or a courier in a video game, especially if they had to come home from 8-hour shifts to do so? Wouldn't it be more interesting to work as a diver, pilot or a hunter? Those are the kind of RPG jobs that I'd rather see here. There's so much more that I could write about this subject, but I'll leave the rest to myself, for now...
  22. "Don't fix what isn't broken" doesn't apply to this particular issue, in my opinion. Giving a monopoly over the trade of illegal firearms and substances is not very ideal. And while I do realize that there are multiple official factions dealing with contraband, these factions could very easily establish a cartel and, along with that, certain prices for their products. Such a situation happened on LSRP, as well, and the system is far from being stable or working properly. It's lead to official faction members only selling their product to people whom they can trust on an OOC-level. And these deals are being done on Discord. In other words, these kind of systems tend to lead to meta-gaming and other OOC-issues and rule-breaking. Not quality role-play.
  23. In addition to armored trucks, the job could easily have other aspects, too. There could be certain areas where players with the scripted security guard job could work at, such as ore mining locations, the docks, and perhaps even certain government buildings. Players would receive a certain sum every X amount of time for being in the area (perhaps every 10 minutes or so.) On-duty guards couldn't work any other scripted jobs, however, in order to prevent them from mining or fishing while conducting their guard duties. While I realize that the areas mentioned are generally crime-free zones by default, it would at least increase immersion to see security in those places. In order to avoid there being dozens of guards in one place, there could be a limit on how many guards could be at certain locations (e.g. 3 at each mining location, 5 at the docks, 2 at each fishing pier, etc.)
  24. Asesci

    The Real Estate

    There should be laws in place to prevent people from overpricing their properties. These laws could be coupled with OOC rules in order to make them more effective.
  25. I agree completely. Something like this should definitely be scripted into the server. Players wouldn't role-play this on their own initiative, because doing so would cost them money. That's why we need the script to handle these kind of things.
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