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Golden Panda
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HappyGecko last won the day on January 16 2023

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  1. Detailed Description Remove the ability to equip screwdrivers as melee weapons, or reduce their damage significantly. Relevant Commands/Items N/A How will it benefit the server? Ever since the screwdriver has become a melee weapon, there has been a trend of it replacing the hammer/bat item. People mass buy them and start to stab each other, or commit mass stabbings with said item. The screwdriver turns the knife items completely useless, as they can cost up to 20k in a pawn-shop, compared to the mere 400 bucks you gotta spend to retrieve a screwdriver. Just yesterday alone, I was met with a mass grave of 3 people being stabbed to death by a screwdriver, not once but twice. The item encourages trolls or people who lack the sense of proper escalation to cause havoc on the streets for basically no money. Not only is the damage way too high, the bleeding is the real issue, as you will simply die if you do not carry a bandage item on your person after some radnom guy poked you with a screwdriver. I also find the argument of ''self defense'' not important here. Nobody would carry a screwdriver around with the goal in mind to defend themselves when need be. Removing it as a melee weapon, or reducing the damage of it will cancel out the random acts of DM caused by some people. It should remain to be used as a tool to remove plates and whatnot.
  2. I've served a 14 day jail sentence by myself in TTCF once, I understand the issue. However, I do not think lowering charges for female characters is the way to go. Imagine you lower times by 50%, suddenly Davis is 80% women! Few ideas: - Make more female lifer/jail characters to boost RP in their pod - Have the time go by 3x quicker when the pod is empty with no other inmates/guards, even if you do not RP.
  3. Let's not go too crazy here or we might as well go back to the 10L tanks. I get it that fuel changes are cool and all, but we literally went from 60L to 10L the first time, which is a huge overreaction. 3.33x consumption should do the trick though, looking at the picture above and the fuel radius listed in it.
  4. There's not one police vehicle that out performs its civilian model, please do not spread such rumors in the hopes of starting an argument. I posted to raise concerns about the fuel tank, that should be the core of the discussion. You don't have to agree 🙂
  5. Weird take but okay? So I should let a murderer go cause ''the pursuit is taking too long''. PD already has internal rules about pursuits but that ain't it. Being okay with having more fuel than the same model of car shows a clear play2win attitude.
  6. After some testing, it appears that police vehicles are heavily affected by this update. Example: The civilian Scout has a 25L gas tank, the PD version only a 10L gas tank. Many civilian trucks have a realistic tank for well...being a truck 25L up to 30L, however! Even the bigger PD vehicles eg. Alamo....Granger, CaraCara all possess a tank of a mere 10L. This is not cool and should be looked into ASAP. As it stands right now, a civilian driving the same Scout as PD can just evade for 30 minutes before every cop runs out of gas, leaving them with fuel in the tank to successfully get away! I hope you understand my concerns for this update now. Civ Scout: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/976924873479835679/1130935173807087767/Grand_Theft_Auto_V_Screenshot_2023.07.18_-_20.51.25.21.png PD Scout: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/257145075966935041/1130935050859450389/image.png @FatCatTuxedo
  7. That's the thing though. Taxis (as of right now) have nearly 3 times the fuel capacity of a police vehicle. Why? If you are going to nerf Police vehicles and other vehicles down to 10L tanks, then it should apply to all vehicles. I'd argue that a cop drives around more than a taxi driver!
  8. Pretty sure anyone with the mechanic job script wise can repair their engine at the side of the road within 30 seconds?
  9. I get all this. I have a taxi character, and sure, I would appreciate if more people called for a cab! However, I doubt this will push people to do so. There is nothing immersive about standing at a gas station for 15 seconds to refuel your car. I see the reasons behind it, I really do. A fuel system is absolutely needed, but with realistic fuel capacity in mind. But yeah, this thread was not to simply complain about something that is an experiement, I just want people to leave their opinions for any future discussions about said topic 🙂
  10. It's not live right now. It has been live yesterday due to a mistake on their part. It will be pushed by tomorrow.
  11. My car does not have the capacity of a bike, that being a 10L gas tank. If you RP a job that needs driving...taxi driver, a cop...you name it. Trust me, it is not fun to keep visiting an LTD after a 1 hour shift.
  12. Not once the update hits. Again, I don't know if you played yesterday or noticed it. You will need to refuel after such a milage.
  13. If this was the case, then it would be fine! However, even at regular speeds and not ''speeding through the entire map'' you will likely refuel once or twice a day, depending on how much you play and drive. Not every few days! And this is where it becomes tedious.
  14. I agree that it should be a requirement, however...I don't know if you played yesterday. They pushed the ''nerf'' by accident when it was not supposed to be released till tomorrow. Basically, every car (least to my knowledge) got moved down to have a 10L tank (2,6 gallons). This has nothing to do with realism anymore. It can and will quickly become an annoying task to refuel numerous times a day.
  15. Hello! Curious to see how people like the new fuel ''nerf''. Me personally? I think it's not needed and a little over the top. I get some of the ideas behind it, however having 10L tanks in a vehicle isn't the way to go about it. I've never seen anyone roleplaying fueling their car up, I've had to refuel my car 3 times a day, it will become quite annoying to keep such a close eye on your fuel level to then take a trip to any LTD for numerous times a day, only to AFK at the pumps for 15 seconds. Please keep it respectful and share some of your thoughts 🙂
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