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Everything posted by Humpy

  1. @Welsh That sounds like a good work around for the issue, thanks! Is there a process I need to go through to request this or is this something I can do with a friend? I have this issue on two characters.
  2. Hi @Kenth thanks for your response on my question, hope you're doing good too! So, I followed the three points of advice you gave me and none of them seemed to work as expected, sadly. The fact my money got wiped is dissapointing but that's the least of my worries, it was just 30/40k. As for the clothing, upon going to the clothing store I trigger the menu which reveals 3 option (1. Change Gender, 2. Buy Clothes, 3. Buy Clothes (Old)) the only option that works for me is option one, which trigger a follow-up menu where I can change to a different ped skin and get a "new" customizable skin. After doing the /fixoutfits commands I am able to now select the new customizable skin option but this doesn't do anything. I keep having the normal ped skin. It looks like my character is somewhat locked out of these features weirdly. A similar thing happened when I got to the surgeon. I followed you advice on waiting for the UI to load up but with no results. I'm kind of stuck on what to do from this point, as others have approached me with some advice which also didn't seem to work. Appreciate the help nonetheless!
  3. Name: Kenny Gender: Male Comment: this shit go hard yo, some white boy at the gas station put me onto this shit.
  4. Hi all, Recently I logged into GTA World after being absent for quiet a while (last login was the 11th of September 2019). Upon selecting my character I immediately noticed I had no money (neither cash nor in my bank) left that I previously had and the clothing I was wearing seemingly got wiped too, I was a bald character wearing clothing that lacked textures. I still had access to the two vehicles I had at the time. Upon getting some money I went to the store and try to change into different clothing, but that didn't seem to properly work. The only option that worked was the possibility for me to select a NPC/ped skin. After playing for an hour or two the last couple of days every other feature/job/command seems to work fine and I am receiving paychecks but the character customization still doesn't work at all. Obviously I'd like to make use of the character customization and have a proper looking character, I'm curious if that is a possibility. Did a migration of data happen in the last three years that now renders my character(s) useless or out of sync with the characters created now? Surely I am/was not the only one experiencing this but I couldn't find similar topics, so is there a solution in place to "fix" my character or is creating a new character the only possibility? TL;DR, Character(s) customization options got wiped, doesn't seem to properly work anymore/isn't accessible for me. Didn't log in for over 3 years, is there a solution for this?
  5. Screens are already looking hella fresh, good luck!
  6. Humpy

    La eMe

    you know my ese bospy about to put in work for his varrio
  7. I play this sometimes with IRL friends. K1ngDamien, EUW, Silver V. Even though my MMR was Gold V when I got my rank.
  8. Enjoying the screenshots a lot!
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