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  1. Username: AvaH Comment: I'm a conservative but frankly I don't trust this man to hold office. Miss Knight did an excellent job and displayed clear intellect and drive. She has my vote.
  2. I like this idea, the amount of times you have someone do a /me punches and dips. Then have them sprinting around like a gazelle in a china shop is silly, But maybe there should be a rule around it's use, like if you're character is 5'4 and skinny it'd be considered powergaming for you to tackle someone who is 210 pounds and 6'1 except in certain circumstances? Like if they're drunk, distracted or off balance. It should also be used only if the person is fleeing, no as a way to pin or stun someone so your friend can shoot them.
  3. Username: RealMira1234242913212 Comment: How do I retire from the occupation of Los Santos?
  4. I support this, guards carry guns. If they abuse them, they lose them. I don't see how this is different. Very good idea for handling things that aren't going to lethal, especially if a guard is armed and is afraid they might be hurt and their weapon taken. Adds another level before peeps get shot.
  5. Abbcab official: I know you told me not to read this one. But I did. I'm here for you Hales! <3333
  6. Agreed, this is silly and i'm not sure why there are specific stores for it. Makes it feel a lot like a video game item.
  7. Yeah as someone who plays a character who constantly throws mobsters and gang bangers out of clubs for acting like animals rather than people it's really annoying having to watch my characters back because it's "Disrespectful" to throw someone out, even if my character has never head of them up until that point or was just doing their job. I've also seen so many incidents go from just back and fourth arguing to a gun fight. It shortens roleplay and makes it very unenjoyable for one party, especially when they're not willing to escalate it from 0 to 100.
  8. Albana Asllani has arrived in Los Santos from Kosovo.
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