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Pan Grama

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  1. User: boots2001 Comment: go hire some davis gangbangers they like shooting things
  2. I got caught speeding by a camera while I was in a company van. The fine went to the company that owned the van, who passed it on to the company that had leased it, who in turn passed it on to me because the van was in my name. The letter eventually dropped at my door without me knowing anything about the process it took to get there. So I guess this thread is kind've asking whether we want the red-tape RP of the fine being passed down the chain till it eventually lands where it's landing already. If business owners would like this extra RP paperwork, then sure. +1.
  3. I apologise for, once again, being the naysayer on an odometer thread, but I really really don't want this so I feel like I have to speak up. Even though I'm just going to repeat myself. When has deteriorating items ever been a welcome feature in any game ever? I know this isn't a game, more of an RP platform but it's still an in-game item that breaks over time, and we need to maintain. And that's the issue I have with this feature. If we need to do this every week, then it's just a chore. If it's once a month, then it's just another cash sink with minimal RP for both the driver and mechanic. If we only need to do it every six months to a year, then is there really any point? Hard no.
  4. I really don't want this feature so I feel like I should post here and explain why. Personally, I don't think it serves any cosmetic purpose. I mean sure, it gives an indication of the age of a vehicle, but mileage is usually a measure of wear and tear on the engine. And we don't have that... yet. And this is my problem. Adding mileage to a vehicle is step-one in introducing engine wear. And item degradation has never been a welcome feature in any video game ever. I know this is technically not a game, it's an RP platform. But still, if getting your engine serviced is something that we'd need to do every week, then it becomes a chore. If it's something that we need to do every month, then it's just another money sink. So every 6 months then is there really a point? I mean, yeah, it would give mechanics an extra job to do but would it really improve RP quality? And if we're not going to introduce engine wear, then is there really a point to a mileage meter? Edit: The ID of the vehicle is already a good enough indication of its age.
  5. OK so re-reading my original post, I don't think I explained myself very well. I find myself using /examine a lot. Both in RP and scripted work, I /examine everyone who approaches me because it can save on having to do the /do dance. It would just be easier (for me) if I could type /ex {name} if I'm going to be doing it 2 or 3 times in a minute. I get that this isn't important, but I saw that an alias was added to /speedlimiter for a similar reason, so thought I'd chance it with /examine.
  6. Illegal characters are all about stuff. They'll run you down then get out of their car to loot you. I abandoned criminal RP a few months ago cos it's all the same old cookie-cutter bullshit.
  7. Short description: Alias for /examine. Detailed description: Add a short command as an alias for /examine. Commands to add: /e or /ex. Items to add: None. How would your suggestion improve the server? /examine is underused. We have a great attribute system already in place but it's divided into people who treat it as a part of regular RP and people who don't use it at all. We should increase awareness of this system to new and existing players and make it as easy as possible to use. Additional information: Just like the /speedlimiter command has recently been given attention, it would be good to create a small guide explaining how /attributes works and encourage people to add them to their character. That along with a simplified /examine will add flavour to characters by minimising /dos and /mes.
  8. Gotta vote No. I didn't even know this was a thing, but just by thinking about it, it only benefits someone who wants to be masked OOC.
  9. I've been involved in 3 fights while playing GTA:W and I've lost all 3 because I tried to RP the initial part while the other guy has gone straight for the left-click. I can kinda let the first time slide, because the guy did RP the first move (hit me with a beer bottle), but the moment I RPed being hit he spam-punched me unconscious. The second and third times I was just stabbed/batted instantly with no RP at all. I had a firearm on me all 3 times, too, but I never got a chance to use it cos I chose to RP rather than ass-pull. So now I'm in a dilemma about what I'm gonna do next time I'm in that situation. It's clear to me that I can't RP and have any hope of it being a fair fight. So what am I gonna do? I honestly think if I see a fight is even possibly going to start, I'm gonna pull my weapon and click-click-click. I know that it's bad RP, and I'm concerned that I'll get a report made about it. And what will my excuse be? I've tried RPing before and it didn't work, so this time I thought fuck it? Then I get a warning and possibly even a ban. The only positive to come out of all this is that both I and my character are genuinely afraid of getting into fights. And I avoid them at all costs.
  10. I've seen threads like this before and I absolutely get it. Some timezones are so out of whack that it's kinda an immersion breaker. How about we utilize a Daylight Savings Time kinda system where we switch the timezone every few months. Say every 4 months, on a set date so we all have to adjust. So Europe gets 4 months, the Americas gets 4 and Australasia gets 4 months. We RP it like a Daylight Savings Time where we go to bed and it's daylight and wake up in the dark. It's a small immersion breaker that we could all share to cater for players everywhere.
  11. Crime-free or not robbing from the courier job should be considered metagaming, seeing as they know the character is getting paid in cash. If courier jobs paid directly into the bank there would be no robberies there at all.
  12. This is going back to what I posed a few up. These are BAD RPers. They have all the crime with none of the punishment. A real gang-banger who goes around shooting up his hood is eventually gonna get killed or imprisoned himself. A crazy bastard psycho killer is likewise gonna be put in prison or sectioned. But this won't happen in GTA:W so there's no risk to the character. All of one side (action) without the other (consequence) is not portraying a character properly. It's bad RP and should be below the standards required for the server. Edit: How about adding a DM tag to any character found guilty of Deathmatching. Then their next PK is an automatic CK. Let's see how crazy they are then.
  13. The problem with both of these examples is that they are BAD RP characters. It's the same mentality as "I can drive however I like because my character is a street racer." It's all of the action with none of the consequence.
  14. I think it also needs to be pointed out that, as a security guard, sometimes getting into an armed conflict is unavoidable. There is a mentality among a lot of criminal characters that violence is the way to solve everything. You see reports about it every day. If you're guarding a club or garage and you need to tell someone to leave, in the illegal character's mind the next step is a fight. It's guaranteed, no matter what the security guard says or does. And it's usually a losing fight because they're carrying legal Combat Pistols while the criminal is carrying a 50 or SMG. And seeing as the very first thing someone does when they down another character is loot them, because they're all about stuff, you've lost all your Security Guard equipment through no input of your own. In fact, if you were to look at it scriptly, it would be better for the guard to not carry cash or firearm at all. Witness the crime and call the cops. When it does hit the fan, accept the PK and role-play a few days wounded, or even just carry on with no memory of it and go back to work. But that's not what a security guard is. And it's not what people want to role-play. The rules already state that you're not allowed to stockpile weapons. Why does there need to be a further rule to limit how many you can buy? Also, we have people working an Ammunation stores. Why can't we make this an IC issue.
  15. Man, I've almost made a thread about this so many times. Antisocial driving, non-RP driving and just plain OOC driving is the biggest killer of GTA:W for me right now. I can't treat it as Heavy-RP when 99% of people drive like it's GTA:O. It's a shame too because it's obvious that the devs and staff care a lot about this server. And the casual atrocious driving is undermining all of that. It isn't just the bad players either. I know some fantastic RPers in good factions and communities who contribute a lot to this little world. Then they get in a car and drive it like they stole it. I don't even want to RP the accidents anymore. The first couple of times were mildly entertaining sub-plot RP. Now it's just a bind. I definitely believe that the driving issue needs to be given a high priority because it's the biggest thing affecting GTA:W's Heavy RP status right now. EDIT: I logged in after posting this and within 5 minutes I was rear-ended by a high-performance sports car because I stopped at a set of lights.
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