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About Smash

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  • Character Name
    Martin Ferro

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  1. Glad to see this still going strong boys.
  2. Feel free to L&A this. May be revisited at a later date, but for now, Im done.
  3. First opening was a success!
  4. Updated the reuniting tab. Updated businesses. Screens will start soon boys!
  5. Feng Yao OOC Section: - Mountain Master and Deputy Mountain Master reserve the right to call upon a CK at anytime. CK perms are given upon becoming a inducted member or a 49er. - We aim to bring top quality roleplay for the server and within our faction. Anyone who disobeys this, please Pm myself or Mortisus with evidence. - To join this faction, you must be Chinese, Filipino, Cambodian, or Vietnamese. Exception's will be on a case to case basis. - Our Discord Early Years Chen and Fai were the parents to the two fraternal boys, Yao and Feng. Chen, owning and operating a restaurant with his wife, were well off. The family business did them well. Chen worked long hours after the boys were born to support them, setting money aside for schooling in the process. As the boys grew they became much more active, playing soccer in the streets and even helping their father out when they weren't in school. Family means everything, right? High School Feng Feng had anger issues, with the help of his brother, he could control it. Well, mostly his brother controlled it. The second year of high school, the duo had no classes together, not even lunch. Feng became a bully. Not just a bully, he was a monstrous ass. Gaining a clique rather quickly to avoid his war path, he stole lunch money, beat down the small kids who looked at him funny, and just walked around like he owned the place. This kind of attitude gained the attention of a footsoldier, a 49er, by the name of Jiang. Jiang put Feng in charge of a few of the high school gang's, which resulted in him running the school with an iron fist. Kids who would step out, would be beaten down by Feng himself, or one of the many kids he had under his wing. People followed him and feared him. Moving into bigger things, Feng became less directed in his anger and attacked a school security guard, losing the fight. Jiang paid the guard off, and decided it was time to take Feng under his wing. He brought him to his boss, a Red Pole, and vouched for him. Feng was nothing short of potential and made a name for himself as a 49er. Yao Yao attempted to keep to himself mostly. Stepping up only when people attempted to beat him down. He wasn't feared, but respected. Losing interest in his studies, he started branching out and hanging with a small group of kids during school hours. Eventually, using wit and quick speech, he ran the group with a quiet murmur. Directing them towards opportunities that would benefit the lot of them. Going as far as stealing lunches, paying off a vending machine operator and reselling the chips to pocket the cash. This gained the attention of a 49er by the name of Xin. Xin used the high school as a breeding ground of potential to join his crew, taking Yao under his wing. Yao seized the opportunity and began running small time racket for Xin. Xin vouching for the kid, brought him to his Red Pole. Without hesitation, Yao did what he was asked. He dropped his thing and was told to go to Guangzhou. The lucrative market out there, he would work under a Red Pole and run a portion of the rackets. He packed up, and took a bus to South China. 49ers Feng Reaching the rank of 49er's was a small dream for Feng. Having wanted to work under the eye of the big brother for a long time, he ran the high school with ease. Walking into his last class, he told the teacher to fuck off and walked out. Pulling the strings from outside the class, he didn't want to be held down any longer. Leaving the high school, he was tasked with controlling a couple nightclubs and small shops in the heart of the city. He partied and drank, hopping from club to club with a clique of ugly but loyal guys with him at all time. Continuing to rule what he was told to with an iron fist. The deeper he got, the more his anger was controlled and given a target. A few stepped out of line, but the injuries they received reminded everyone who came through his places to never step out of line again. Running by the rule, "Killing someone will only be forgotten in time, but a limp is a reminder of who you fucked with." Being pulled to the side a few years later, after controlling a quarter of downtown Hong Kong's nightclubs, he was given the opportunity to run his own racket as a Red Pole. Yao Moving out to Guangzhou took a toll on him. He left his family, his brother who he hasn't spoken to since they branched off in high school, and his friends. Starting fresh under the Red Pole out here, he had no hesitation to dive in. His first day, extorting a small laundromat owner for a quarter of his earnings as protection money, Yao didn't even lift a finger. Controlling what he had from behind the scenes, he rarely had to show his own face to the shop owners. They weren't entirely afraid of what would happen, they just believed they were doing the right thing after a conversation with Yao. Being convincing, and setting up a few robberies which he stopped with the "help" of his guys, the shop owners fully believed they needed his help. The crimes in this area arose around 7% due to Yao setting people up. The manipulative nature and his ability to earn, earned him a spot as a Red Pole. He continued to operate the same rackets he ran as a 49er, just expanded them across the city. Attempting to keep his face buried from the mainstream. Red Poles Feng With an iron fist, Feng controlled half the downtown Hong Kong. Having a few fights a night, maybe even a chopping, (Chopping is when a group of four or more guys with Sashimi knives and Meat Cleaver, mutilate someone to send a message), he rarely wanted to use his guys. He enjoyed being in the middle of things and getting his hands dirty. By no means was he bad at talking, but he preferred the action above all. His anger controlled and coordinated, he was asked bluntly to move out to Los Santo's. His recruiting skills were top notch, and his hands on attitude was close to unmatched. The Deputy made the decision to open a branch of the 14K out in LS in hopes to attract a crowd and gain some funds in the process. If that's the goal, then he's the man to send. Arrangements were made and he was gone within twenty four hours. Being told someone would meet him and they would be provided with a place to work, and to live as they earned. Yao Yao kept to himself. The racket he created and managed were doing extremely well, and he knew how to stay out of the hot seat. Never being brought down for something he did, or didn't do. Showing his face around the shops occasionally, met with smiles and high praise as they thought he was their protector, he ate and conversed with the hollow people of Guangzhou. Just as his brother was offered, he was told to go to Los Santo's, unaware that he would be the contact his brother was meeting. The duo had not see each other in almost a decade since high school, going their separate ways due to "work". His manipulative skills and ability to hide in plain sit were hard to beat, he packed up and left for Los Santo's. Curious about who he was meeting for work. Recruit and earn, is your job Yao, he was told. Thinking about it on the plane, he slept until the wheels touched the ground midday. Reuniting Feng I'm fucking late. I stayed back to work on a couple things before leaving, and I'm two days late. Fuck it. It doesn't matter. I'm here now, and no ones here to pick me up. What is this shit, "we'll take care of everything and give you a foothold to work with. Someone will meet you when you get there." Where the fuck are they? There's a cab, that's okay I guess. Address is uhh something Alta I think, take me over there. This cab driver looks at me like I'm crazy, I'm Chinese you racist fuck. Hey! HEY! Right here is good man. Yeah, yeah. Okay. A block over from the place, I'll just walk the rest of the way. Right here is the pla..- Scuse me man. I'm just going to push pas..- You need something man? Yeah? You look famil..- Fuck me, its you... Yao I can't start until whoever this incompetent shit head is gets here. I've been told to wait for him, and I haven't seen a sigh of him. They gave us a decent set up. A house, a small place to work and branch out, and even a few supplies to start. They definitely kept their word on things, now its time to show up. I got sent out here for a reason, and I'm going to preform whats expected of me. Do I still have... Yeah. My last few Dongdu cigarettes. I doubt they have these anywhere over here. Fucking sun's bright as shit out here man. Who's this dude. *grunt*. Asshole shoving past me. Watch it bro. Were good man, just trying to enjoy my last cigarettes. I got the "familiar" look all the time. Feng? Shit.. Last thing they expected was to see each again, after twelve years being apart, working under different people. Yao and Feng were each other's contacts. Never quite seeing eye to eye, they at least understood each other. Moving up the ranks for different reasons, Yao fills him in on what the goal is, and what they have to start. Opening the Laundromat should be a top priority. The initial reunion was cut quite short. The owner of the Laundromat calling to confirm paperwork was almost completely and their were keys to be obtained. Buisnesses Laundry Serpent - East Vinewood
  6. So, this is my first shot at adding text using Photoshop. Any and all advice is accepted. With a few tips from @Tritega I think my Rockstar editing has gotten better. Thanks for viewing!
  7. Shit I didnt even notice that. And the first one has the shadowplay stuff in it too. Good catch. Thanks!
  8. "Ive only been back in town a week and pushing already? Fuck me, its like I never left." This is my first attempt as using Rockstar Editor. Anything I could do better and/or any tips would be greatly appreciated!
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