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Charity 2021 Superstar
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  1. Name: Aprzy Comment: Friendly staff, fast service and nice coffee!! Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
  2. Name: Renee Fischer Phone number: 5306140 Picture of PF: https://i.imgur.com/WpFcIs8.png Bid: 50,000
  3. Name: ImposterComment: Jonathan Spencer... You're a fucking gem. You absolute masterpiece of God. You shining piece of gold. You are a piece of art. You are a heavenly angel that God sent down to Earth to put a smile in people in the worst days. You are so beautiful that your holy light cures depression itself. You are the pinnacle of perfection. Without you humanity would be long lost, you are the one who keeps Los Santos safe from degenerates; without you, I can't imagine what Los Santos would look like.
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