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About Genny

  • Birthday January 2

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  1. I briefly read most of the responses but I figured I'd leave my input here too. It's way too early to make any decisions about Paleto Bay. I didn't love the idea at first but I learned to love it because a lot of people do love their countryside and Paleto Bay is the place for it. I mean, where else can you get it? Sandy Shores is the lower-classed countryside while Paleto Bay is for the middle-class. I've seen plenty of people drive through and stick around for roleplay. It isn't that hard to find unless you're online when no one else is online. I didn't realize how many people roleplayed as country lovers until then. If we want to allow Vespucci for the beach lovers (middle/high class), Vinewood for the high class, Mirror Park for the typical middle-class and Rancho/Davis for the lower-class. Paleto Bay is really there for the diversity and that's something to love about this server. I think Paleto Bay needs the clothing store icon added to the map because it is there but a lot of people don't know that. It needs the main script-wise features like the car rentals and such. I liked the idea of a selling fish point being closer since that drive must be hectic. Besides that, it's the people that bring the roleplay to the area and I absolutely adore it whenever I see it. A lot of people don't like the drive, but I personally do because it gives me time to enjoy the scenery and feel like you're really getting away from the city. It's something that reminds me of real life because it takes me a while of driving through to get to my cabin and it's quite relaxing. I also crash far less than I ever did compare to being in the city which is a plus for me. @Aquila What would happen to LSCS if Paleto Bay was removed? What about the other businesses that started or moved to Paleto Bay? Like, you can't just take it all away from the people that worked so hard to make it happen. We're all still trying to make it better and there's always progress. I don't think it's fair to give the community something they wanted and take it away not even a month later. @Adero The Los Santos County Sheriff's basically started with three people being myself, HemmaX and Eren. I had taken on the administrative side so with that being said, I prioritized recruitment before licensing so I apologize for the delay in it being implemented but it wasn't possible at first anyway. When hunting was first implemented, there were many more bugs, it wasn't illegal to hunt without a license and there was no access to the MDC yet. There are still some bugs (like picking up the carcass) but I applaud the developers for the idea and having it implemented to allow another roleplay opportunity for those who are hunters and enjoy the countryside. The main reason we'd ever really be in the city is when the LSPD requires back-up to foot/vehicle pursuits, shootouts, panic alarms or just not enough LSPD on-duty at the time, etc. We may be two different factions but in-character, we both have the same goal in mind and that's to protect and serve. So, in conclusion, I think we can all agree that in the future when the playerbase increases, it'll improve with it. In this case, I believe that time is key.
  2. Ehh, I don't find times where I need a mechanic all the time so maybe that's another reason why. Maybe if there were more reasons for people to go find a mechanic, the roleplay would be there. Maybe adding an inspection and oil system. No oil in the car -> damages car, no inspection -> ticket from LSCS/LSPD.
  3. You are able to privately message a member of management, yes.
  4. What matical posted should've been the answer. If it isn't, feel free to message me to have this reopened.
  5. Not something that'll probably get pushed. We're currently looking to change the timezone of the server to give everyone a variety of the times of a day. Check out this discussion.
  6. Congrats everyone on another beautiful month here at GTA World (even though it's April 24th)!
  7. I'm up for adding a Davis, Paleto Bay and Mirror Park location to the spawn points tbh.
  8. With the way some of the menus are currently in-game, it'll probably just cause a lot of crashes. It ain't that bad to tab out and look here on the UCP. No need for something like this.
  9. Samsung Galaxy S8... it's amazing!
  10. Do you know if these clothes are supported by GTMP?
  11. Ehhh, don't think something like this would ever be pushed. Not supporting.
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