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Shanks last won the day on September 6 2021

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About Shanks


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    Head of Faction Management

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  1. This faction will be closed due to the leadership's involvement in a majority of rather serious breaches of our rules. While I know this may impact some members who are not involved in this, unfortunately, this is a step that is necessary to take. Any members of this faction are hereby not allowed to continue roleplaying this concept.
  2. Illegal Faction Management has been discussing the current standing of The Mexican Mafia faction for quite some time now. This faction has a deep and rich history on GTA:W, being one of the oldest factions and a crucial component of the server's illegal scene. It is a vast understatement to say that this faction holds a lot of power and sway when it comes to shaping the roleplay of numerous factions around it. Throughout time, eMe has gone through a variety of leadership figures. Many of these have assisted in shaping the illegal scene of the server for the better and we thank them for this. Unfortunately, the faction has also not been absolved of issues. As with any faction that has been around long enough, there are bound to be problems. Throughout the past year, the faction has received numerous strikes due to reports and issues that have been forwarded to IFM and leadership. At this point, we do not feel that the consistently recycled roster and leadership of the faction are capable of maintaining and holding such a vital position on the server. Inner circles and toxicity have been a consistent issue that has arisen both in-game, on the forums, and on Discord. These have become more and more prevalent which is why as a team we're now moving towards wiping the slate clean. The current leadership roster of The Mexican Mafia is being removed. Continuity-wise, all current leadership figures that have existed in the server's history are being transferred out of state or retired. A new leadership has been brought forward instead from our longest-standing Sureno factions. There is no longer a sole leader of the faction and instead, they will act as a leadership council moving forward with direct IFM supervision. Members of the old faction are welcome to filter under the new faction and will be given equal opportunity to continue forward. IFM will be overlooking the faction closely during this transition period and assisting in whatever way possible. We look forward to the future and a fresh start for everyone.
  3. Changed in order to clarify how muggings should be done, as it seems the rules have been stretched a little and bent in order to perform muggings by driving elsewhere and using the vehicle after the mugging.
  4. I'll review and specify the mugging rules a little more, seeing as there seems to be some confusion as to what is allowed and not. The rules are in place to avoid people using vehicles to travel around and mug others in areas outside of their own, meaning they should stick to their own areas. I'll specify it better so that we can avoid the mishaps and misunderstandings of people driving to an area, parking far away, and then going on foot to mug others. There seems to be a lot of confusion regarding this in general and there seems to be stretching or bending of the current rules in place in order to traverse outside of what would generally be seen as an area more common to muggings. I'll update the rule later this week once I've specified a rephrasing that is appropriate, and hopefully, this will solve some of the issues. As I believe the core issue lays with muggings and not house robberies.
  5. Yeah, we don't allow crypto at all atm. It's a huge can of worms to start all this stuff.
  6. May Blaine County be blessed with our presence yet again.
  7. That should be fine as long as it isn't a macro/AHK or of the like, and it's not something you use multiple times, as your go-to without any variation. That's when you'd likely be punished for it. But also take into account the time it'd take to pull that rifle out of a bag or whatever. So dropping the line and then shooting within a second is not OK. Just realistically do it.
  8. Your original thought should not be to go out and shoot unless you got very valid reason to, but no you don't have to RP it if it's already out.
  9. Applies to all guns, yes. Obviously if you're sat with a rifle in your lap it'd be rather visible.
  10. Trying to clarify the vehicle weapon scrolling rule a little better.
  11. I'll try to clarify a little here as it seems it's been taken a little far, or not understood properly. I'll unlock the thread after my post for those that have more comments. The rule was put in place to avoid the animation overlap that you get when exiting a car. I.E. Your drawing animation does not come into play as you're already doing another animation - you draw your gun faster. In the case of having a /me ready. Yeah, I'd say it's okay as long as it's not a copy pasted macro, as we don't support this through other rules. But you can also have done some RP in the case of having your gun on your lap, holding it by your side, etc. Obviously follow through with the RP if someone would see the gun and whatnot. In the scenario of a cop, it's the same as if you're a civillian. If the anim played out and you're out, so the drawing animation comes into play - no, you don't need to write a /me. That's the same as not needing to RP for handguns. Having copy pasted /me's and macros etc is generally something we punish for and can be reported if a pattern is noticed or we got evidence of such, yes. You can draw the gun without RP as long as the animation plays. Don't overlap it with the car exit. If it's in your lap you don't have to RP pulling it out again, but RP accordingly that it is in your lap. EDIT: I'll try to clarify this in the rule itself.
  12. Added in an addition to weapons being scrolled upon exiting a vehicle. This was previously a way to avoid the animation and then the delay done by the animation. This will now require roleplay similar to it being scrolled within the vehicle.
  13. The ban will remain for another 2 weeks in terms of cooling down. You can be unbanned January 10th.
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