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The Red One

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  1. All information contained herein is collected through publicly available sources, court documents and transcripts. This article is protected by the first amendment, we welcome any legal action. We remind Dennis of the ruling of New York Times Co, v. Sullivan before sending your army of lawyers. Los Santos News, the once powerhouse of mainstream media has been hit by multiple scandals and accusations of terrible reporting standards in recent weeks, the aim of this article is to break down the scandals to better paint a clearer image of Los Santos News Network. Los Santos News is currently overseen by the LSNN president Christopher Gardner along with Margret Potter as Vice President respectively. The current Director of Los Santos News is the self proclaimed "best journalist in the world" Dennis Sidwell who loves to make an appearance and brag about how the "power is in his hands". As you can see, this article is aimed at Dennis Sidwell and his pretty bad 'management' of Los Santos News Network which paints general MSN in a negative light. Let's first talk about LSNN being sued way back in January by a Democrat named Richard Orosco who accused LSNN of defamation through actual malice, the backstory was LSNN published an article about Dianna Pierce, the article can be found [HERE]. The justice ultimately ruled that LSNN despite acting in poor judgement. LSNN never* issued a statement in regards to the litigation and it slowly cooled off. And now onto Dennis Sidwell whom is a lovely individual who has the ego the size of Saturn and a person who willingly takes people to court over opinions and tried to seek $100'000 in damages and a personal statement of apology for the personal opinion, questionable? Yes. Defamation? Jesus Christ on a Popsicle stick. Let's talk about this, shall we. Dennis Sidwell had an article published about him that accused him of sexism which he denied on all accounts and called upon his legal team to prepare for all out war, it's a shame that he had to catch a 70 year old woman in their sights. Nora Patterson released a post on the 5th of April, 2021 which is listed below, Senator C. Knight also denied the accusations against Dennis. Court Documents Dennis Sidwell V. Nora Patterson Dennis, the Director of LSNN was absolutely infuriated that someone had a opinion on this and declared a legal war with Nora Patterson, he accused her of defamation through actual malice. Dennis' team goes onto mention that he has a 'very public position within Los Santos News, as a Director'. Perhaps as a LSNN director he should know something about free speech and peoples right to have opinions on controversial matters, but to allege that this will harm Dennis career over a single post is a bit extreme, considering he is the one that's doing litigation against Nora, which will only attract even more unwanted attention for Dennis. It makes me think that Dennis is a bit of drama queen who only thrives on attention but it has to be the *right* kind of attention. This is my personal opinion 🙂 I do want to mention that Dennis is a really good actor in the court room, despite him getting blasted by the Kerrigan-Vittori LLC, he somehow managed to get really ill after the defense delivered a single statement in which he recovered pretty darn fast after stating he fallen off his Jetski. After the disaster of a legal case for Dennis, the Judge ruled against him and ordered him to pay $30'000 in damages to the Defendant, Nora Patterson. Maybe Dennis Sidwell isn't the greatest Journalist in Los Santos he claims to be, and should just stick to actual 'journalism' instead of chasing around 70 year old women for opinions. My team did some background research and was able to find out that LSNN no longer has the financial backing of it's founding investor, Cross Capital LLC, ouch. ** There's some donation links that direct to animal charities around San Andreas ** Comment Policy: Name: Comment:
  2. /r/lostredditors this is for rules, not script wide suggestions
  3. Name: C.P Comment: How exactly did Saints News get a hold of the Court Documents? It's still in Pre-Trial phase, those documents are only shown to the court and aren't publicly posted.
  4. General disclaimer: All thoughts in this article are mine, and mine alone, I'm not a BAR certified Attorney, nor do I claim to be. For all news, updates and more related to Court News, check out our FB page! The District Attorney's office has been a bit busy over the past two or so weeks, ever since the announcement of the new District Attorney Lucas Lowe on the 5th of October 2019, the DA's office has had to contend with a (to the time of writing) total of four cases, two which was settled, two which are pending, which include a very high profile case of State of San Andreas v. Radley Morton which is still ongoing. I plan on releasing a article every week, should there be 2 cases or more posted. Completed Cases State of San Andreas v. Mitchell Davis. Date: 7th of October, 2019 Allegations: Assault and Battery of a LEO, (2x) Attempted Murder, Vehicular Endangerment, Evading a Peace Officer, (2x) Hit and Run, Resisting Arrest and Failure to pay a fine. Details: Mitchell Davis was accused of evading from the Police on the 30th of September, 2019, Davis fled from the police and hit two people with his vehicle (Hit and Run) which included a on duty officer, he evaded capture on that day which led to the LSPD SWAT team to hunt down Mitchell on the 6th of October and he was placed under arrest, in which he plead 'Not Guilty'. The DA initially requested 3 years, 3 months and 3 days in State Penal Confinement. Judge Isaac Rhodes was the presiding Judge and Jacob McDonald was the counsel for the Defendant. A day later a plea deal was arranged between the Defendant, Mitchell Davis and the DA's office, the DA re-adjusted the recommended sentence to 1 year and 10 months, and the charges of Attempted Murder, Vehicular Endangerment, Evading a Peace Officer, Hit and Run, and Failure to Pay a Fine, in total, the defendant was also ordered to pay $90'000 in fines. Court was dismissed on the 8th of October. State of San Andreas v. Rudolph Guerrez Date: 13th of October, 2019 Allegations: Drug Trafficking, Possession Of A Controlled Substance with Intent to Distribute and Driving Without a Valid License. Details: Rudolph Guerrez was accused of evading from the police on the 23rd of September, 2019 in his vehicle and was recognized and apprehended by Detective's when he returned to the general area of where he initially fled from. Upon being detained and searched, Guerrez stated "Don't worry, got my shit stashed already" due to this remark, Detective's filed for a search warrant of Rudolph's residence. After the LSPD conducted a search of his residence, it revealed a large quantity of narcotics (None of the drugs got listed within court documents) and a large stockpile sidearm munitions, nor did Guerrez have any Purchase Firearm license nor Conceal Carry to justify such munitions. Judge Juliet Pierce was the presiding Judge and Connor Cavanaugh was the Defendant's attorney, hours after the initial paperwork got filed, the Defendant and the DA was able to come to an agreement on a plea deal, in which the defendant pleaded Guilty to "Drug Trafficking w/ $40'000 fine and Driving without a license". The DA Office also requested that Guerrez be released from jail with his time in jail being credited towards the sentence. Judge Pierce later ordered that the defendant be found guilty, along with the fine of $40'000. Court was dismissed on the 13th of October. As per policy, I don't report on ongoing cases due to a number of factors, such as changes, recesses and more. Feedback and comments is highly appreciated. -C.P
  5. How do GC holders even lose their weapons? Shootouts are to obviously be avoided, obviously. I store my guns in a office I've leased out.
  6. People barely RP simple robberys properly, I dread to think what'll happen if we give them even more cash.
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